ajuga leaves curling

And avoid planting crown rot susceptible plants in the bed where the Ajuga died. I pulled it out to keep from spreading. There is no known cure, so remove and discard infected plants and the soil immediately surrounding their roots. For more information see the file on Controlling Fungal DiseaseLeaves Covered With White Powder Due to Powdery MildewPowdery mildews are caused by fungi that cover ajuga leaves with a white or ash-gray powdery mold. However, the plant attracts bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies. Ajuga is known to give off a scent that repels rabbits and deer andto a lesser extentsquirrels and chipmunks. Inside the leaves are small whitish woolly aphids that are 1/8 inch long. Thanks for your site! Morning feeding is best, and make sure to rinse off any fertilizer granules from the leaves. FREE WEBINAR: Why Are Ajuga Leaves Curling? They are in light purple and dark. Ajuga, for example, grows just a few inches tall, yet it adds tons of color to your landscape.