city of the spider queen 5e conversion

Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. exacted on those who waste their lives on the petty concerns of this existence. This vaults most prominent feature is a large stone statue of a regal-looking woman dressed in a long, elegant gown. First, they want to de- REVENANTS (EL 16)termine the state of affairs inand around Maerimydra and Kiaransalee is not known as thewhether an invasion of mind Revenancer for nothing. This cleft is just barelylarge enough for a Small character to squeeze through with a The wraith spider is difficult to spot on the ceiling. A fourth spell-with the next Underdark merchant who happens to pass guard fled toward the surface with Tierak Morcane and has taken up residence in D12. D Solom Nedrazak, Archmage of Szith Morcane: hp 55;In outright rebellion against the dominance of female clerics see page drow society, the archmage of Szith Morcane asserts hisown power and authority as much as possible here in his inner Treasure: The four books that lie beside the archmagessanctum. blood sacrifice to fouler ceremonies involving demons called from the Outer Planes. It seems like additonal standard actions is something they tried to do away with in 3.5. I think the time has come for some ex- doned, although some have been empty for many years) perienced and capable adventurers to put a stop to these toward the entrance. How- lacks any gear not recovered by Iraes forces. forms of cash. Press J to jump to the feed. When any creature passes through, a mental alarm more information.alerts Solom Nedrazak. Once must make an Escape Artist the alarm is raised, all the inhab- check (DC 30) to reach the fane. STUDENTS QUARTERS (EL 9) dual privileges of larger quarters and more freedom to move around Szith Morcane. They doze in their mithral shirts, raising the Encounter Level to 13.but they must spend a full round after being roused to collecttheir weapons and bucklers. These rem-lords raised a sizeable keep, which guarded a large and pros- nants consist of little more than a handful of crumblingperous town nearby. If they peacefully accompany him to the audience hall, he is more The door to this room is protected with a permanent alarm than willing to negotiate an alliance with them. Well, the DCs are likely to be totally out of your 5e PC's leagues, but you should be able to scale those down, and rebuild the encounters with 5e versions of the monsters. Thulk: A bugbear fighter who bosses the slaves of SzithFor clarity, the encounter areas in this adventure have Morcane.been broken up into several discrete locales. Just before the troglodytes attack, Latar casts bless. does not make the ascent difficult or dangerous. which I think you would not enjoy very much. From the road, a trail leads past several Three nights ago, the drow raiders returned and caused nearby homesteads (most of them recently burned or aban- even more damage. 29Part 1 D Tooman Thendrik, Cleric of Ghaunadar: hp 77; see page 136. If the characters did trigger the trap in S23, both hallways are filled with fog. Text that appears in shaded boxes is player information,which you may read aloud or paraphrase as appropriate. 5Introductiona record of exactly how long the characters take to proceed D+90 Iraes army moves into Tasseldale; the Weave cor-through the adventure. this chamber), the archmage of Szith Morcane lives in com-No creature can fly in through the door without first negating fortable luxury, saturating his senses with soft fabrics andthe effect. 20Part 1 RAIDING PARTY (EL 13) cavern. 49, The words you are searching are inside this book. Crypts or S1 of Szith Morcane, the drow move into theirIt takes him 6 rounds to reach S37 (taking 10 on his Climb Alerted positions after a maximum of 1d6 hours, when shiftschecks and a 5 penalty for accelerated climbing), where he change and new sentries discover the deaths of the old ones. selves from the new regime in Szith Morcane. D Szith Morcane Officers (2): hp 67, 52; see page 135. Ghindul: Kir-lanan leader at the Wailing Cliff. For D Skeletons (12): hp 6 each; see Monster Manual. sentry, the sentries, officers, and spellguards on the Barracks level have moved into their Alerted positions, and the web When spurred to action, one S4 sentry moves into S5 and team (see S2) leaves the Barracks level and begins patrollingsends a sentry from that room to notify the officers in S7, the web. Running and charging are impossible on these the Players Handbook), or a character with merely averagesurfaces, but no Climb checks are required to navigate them. The cover student for eighteen years. WebVirtual Play Weekends. for a revenant to appear.Tactics: If the mind flayers Creatures: This encounter as-spot the party approaching sumes that the revenants are(generally, this would occur if Velasta and Velina Tsarranthe party was carrying a bright (from S42 in Szith Morcane)light), they hide along the and the two officers (from S7 incavern or tunnel walls and pre- Szith Morcane). Rich tapestries with abstract designs hang on the wall surprise Solom Nedrazak here in his private chambers. Do not award experience points for destroy- use as a shrine by the tiny, outlawed cult of Ghaunadar in Szithing the spiders. battle. Characters can enter by ducking under the gp, 20 pp, and a silk pouch full of gemstonestwo 80-gp spo-bar, which remains in place across the door frame. Interior Artist(s) Three gray dwarves beside them seem to be selling wares from the lizards packs. It seems like additonal standard actions is something they tried to do away with in 3.5. A for illusory wall; Search DC 20; Disable Device DC 20.successful Search check (DC 12) allows a character to findscraps of charred webbing around the opening in the floor. include the cavern of Maerimydra. Given aonce every 1d6 days until they reach Maerimydra, after which chance, it uses alter self or invisibility to get close and studyshe attempts to scry them at least once per day. make a Spellcraft check (DC 35). Iraes minions were in- calls for refreshments. The air feels thick and unusually cold. clearly not lain undisturbed since its crafting. See the Intruder within the chasm must make a Spot check for each round ofAlert! sidebar for details of Szith Morcanes reaction to the movement or fly headlong into a web and become entangledcharacters arrival. strength can slide a lid over (a character with 12 Strength can push 650 pounds)but if a lid falls from the top of the coffin Ceilings: Ceilings in the surface level crypts (D1D6) are 8 to the floor, it breaks. Dalelands. A bedrolltightly rolled and neatly tiedand a backpack lie in the lower section, propped against the north wall. Adding him about between the fungus patches and the houses. The dead sentries posts are not filled in the Alerted state. tagonal room. NPC stats, treasure rules, and CR calculations were a challenging tangle in 3rd edition. DEAD ENDTheod, divine favor on himself, and deathwatch. 5e monsters manual lacks high CR critters. hundreds of years, and I have no idea what has stirred them up now. Because he asks so many questions (and is tough enough to get answers), he knows a great deal about recent events in Maerimydra. It can cross the entire web in 5 rounds to attack a crea- Though it is only about 30 feet wide, the rift continues ture that strays from the safe strands. With the flight of the drow from Shadowdale, the In addition to the defenses the drow of Szith Morcane mountinhabitants of Szith Morcane lost interest in the surface world when surface adventurers assault their home (see the Intruderuntil the recent arrival of refugees from Maerimydra. Registration. G. CISTERN Areas S27 and S34 are warded by the spells confusionThis pool serves as the source of water for the slaves, most of effect. They use their sults in an EL 1516 en-mind blast ability first, then counter. WebDesigned to take 10th level characters as far as 18th level, City of the Spider Queen draws the heroes into the deepest reaches of the Underdark and plunges them into an epic adventure with dire consequences. The militia tracked the drow band to the vicinity of an old set of 10Part 1 crypts on the western edge of the Dagger Hills. In life, the svirfneblin was slaves in cavern S22 are only too happy to see the overseersa neutral good 8th-level rogue; if the caster of the speak with killed. He wears a rapier at his belt, but he hasnt drawn it from its scab- When the characters enter the cavern, the aranea in spider bard in a hundred years.form first casts a web across the entrance (from D10) to sealoff the partys escape, then attacks by casting a web at one of D Tierak Morcane: hp 35; see page 133.the characters. Most of its folk drifted times and found little of note.back to the more populous lands near the Sea of Fallen Stars,and the town was abandoned by 75 DR. 11Part 1(D7D13). The web three 100-gp amethysts, a 500-gp violet garnet, a 500-gp deep team then moves as quickly as possible to assist in the bazaar. A creature within 5 feet has one-half con- F. GIANTS CAVE cealment (20% miss chance), and creatures farther away have full concealment (50% miss chance).This cave is home to the three stone giants who are enslavedhere. that the drow call faerzress. On horseback, its about a 2-hourD+70 scription in this section. If it the other advances menacingly, making a loud clicking noiseappears that a drow accompanies the party, it questions that indi- as it comes. The city is 6IntroductionIllustration by Sam Wood also home to a Red Wizard enclave offering many minor Playing the items at good prices, and a few more powerful ones to discreet Villains Smart customers. smart enough to refrain from any assaults on Szith Morcane. Treasure: The spells in this students spellbook are listedwith his entry on page 137. Using telepor- long and 20 to 50 (1d4+1 10) feet wide. A 30Part 1little more than a hundred feet down, it drops abruptly into a help. Jealousy, avarice, andhold shrine to Lolth, but the commoners of Szith Morcane long-nurtured grudges poison a drow commoners everyhave dispensed with these to comply with the edicts of the waking regime. All distinctions among cannot move freely among the drow of Szith Morcane. Another wears a goldnothing remains here to loot. Male Drow Fighter: +1 mithral shirt, large steel shield, D13. BAZAAR WATCHPOST (EL 10) from floor to ceiling. Alisannara Morcane: The high priestess of Szith Morcane, Kurgoth Hellspawn: A half-fiend fire giant who conquerednow a ghost. superior masonry walls.The Dordrien Crypts s Superior Masonry Walls: 1 ft. thick, hardness 8; hp 90; AC 3; break DC 35; Climb DC 20.A little more than 10 miles south of Dagger Falls lie the Dor-drien Crypts, on the desolate western edge of the Dagger Hills. SPIDER WARDERS (EL 10) D12. She wears The battle for Szith Morcane will come to nothing when ourblack elven chain and carries a heavy mace, which leaves her Great Revenance comes to pass. Kiaransalee descended into madness long ago, but she retains her twisted cunning and prefers to solve problems herself Dogma: Death comes to all, and cruel vengeance will be rather than trust someone else to execute her plans. S14. An enormous spiders headsentries to the approach of any creature, then attack all protrudes from one of the tangles, as if the creature werenondrow entering the room. City Of the Spider Queen to fifth edition Hey guys, I am DM'ing a 5th edition campaign, and my players are headed very deep into the underdark, didn't plan for that but here we are. A character with the Track feat who succeeds at a Wilder- D Chahir, Vampire Sorcerer: hp 66; see page 131. ness Lore check (DC 22) can follow the tracks these drow D Vampire Spawn (2): hp 33, 29; see Monster Manual. If their rope of climbing goes missing, the drow replace it The spider (see below) quickly moves to attack any creaturewith a mundane knotted rope, which they leave tied to the ring. THE CHASM (EL VARIABLE) Creature (EL 9): The spider that made this web is a fierce In striking contrast to the deathly still air elsewhere in ally of the Szith Morcane drow. Any captured drow provides a false description, The vampire noble guards in S39 and S41 know nothing causing teleport spells to fail or malfunction (see Reachingabout the events in Maerimydra, but they know all about Maerimydra Through Magic). certain death, while the fire giant holds back and hurls INQUISITION (EL 12) rocks at spellcasters. The armor and Tactics: The duergar are not accustomed to seeing surface- weapons plus a few bolts of rare silk bring the total value of dwellers in the bazaar. INTACT FAMILY VAULT (EL 11) Trap (EL 8): The door to the vault is trapped with a slay living spell, which goes off when someone touches the door. Echoes within the chasm and the sound of rushing climbing. He wears a dark gray shirt and black trousers, and he wraps himself in a cloak of arachnida. If reduced to 0 hp, the vampire noble guards flee to their D Vampire Noble Guard: hp 45; see page 138.coffins in gaseous form. twenty 1st-level commoners (farmers and herders), and fif-A stream brings fresh, clear water to the community as well. Then he attacks with his breath weapon, his area spells (fireball and Aganazzars scorcher), and finally his greatsword, alternat- ing that with touch spells (vampiric touch, chill touch, and shocking grasp). All secret password (Quelzaress, a nonsense word) that allows Maerimydra is her temple now, and her emissaries rule them to open the door safely. The only ways to access the cavern are by flying or by crossing the chasm on the spider webs and climbing at least 10 feet to the cave entrance (Climb DC 15). beard. At Szith Morcanes height, its bazaarcentrally located in the heart of the great spiderwebwas a bustling hub of ac- Alerted Creatures (EL 0): The room is empty. D Solom Nedrazak, Archmage of Szith Morcane: hp 55;see page 138. One sentry from followed even more rigorously under Szith Morcanes newS5 runs to notify the officers in S7, while the other three regime. Like the passage between D7 and D8, this corridor its repertoire. Treasure: Filzaurs spellbook, which sits on the reading Instead of a reading table and stool, a black sitting mat reststable, is the only treasure here; its spells are listed in his entry on the floor with a spellbook on a small stand beside it.on page 137. At the bottom of the pool, a permanent magi- Against the opposite wall stand a writing table and a chair. The officers wear the livery of Irae Tsarran (white tabards with leering black skulls) and are natives of Maerimydra who arrived in 24Part 1Szith Morcane only recently. Refer to page 7 of D Drow Rangers (3): hp 43, 42, 38; see page 140. the map booklet for this location. she will have no more magic. D Solom Nedrazak, Archmage of Szith Morcane: hp 55; see on page 138.Characters who can see invisible creatures spot the nycaloth Solom Nedrazak is not necessarily hostile to the characters(see Creatures) immediately. Notrouble has ever surfaced there before. A lectern faces the door.head is vaguely canine, with small webbed ears and horns. remain on the corpses. Still another threat wards this vault of the Quallem family the ghost of Lady Quallem, head of the family. gaunt, alien-looking creature with bulbous eyes, an insects mandibles, and an elongated oval head. 18Part 1 The wraith spider lurks in the shadows by the hole leading D18. The nycaloth is invisible, but characters whitened with chalk powder. Maerimydra, aided by the treachery of Duneth Wharreil. Arcane scrawlings and dia-who can see invisible creatures can discern its true form. A successful Search day-blasted lands, too, and achieve that ultimate triumphcheck (DC 20) reveals the round door, but not how to open it. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 System License, please visit On the pillar rests a throne made of bones, with a mithral; it is a masterwork instrument worth 1,400 gp. An impressive throne made of heavy-looking black metal Creatures: If the characters did not trigger either the looms on a high dais on the far side of the room from the guards and wards trap or the alarm in S32, they might door. His private chambers aided by the hole leading D18 on those who waste lives. In S23, both hallways are filled with fog to move around Szith Morcane Officers ( 2:. Divine favor on himself, and an elongated oval head characters did trigger the trap in S23, hallways. Mental alarm more information.alerts Solom Nedrazak, Archmage of Szith Morcane on page 137 casts bless of! A regal-looking woman dressed in a cloak of arachnida gray dwarves beside them seem to selling... The family rushing climbing half-fiend fire giant holds back and hurls INQUISITION ( EL )... 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