delta sigma phi famous alumni

Bobby Jones Sigma Alpha Epsilon famous amateur golfer/lawyer, founder of Augusta National Golf Club and the Masters Tournament. McNamara, Robert S. Phi Gamma Delta California 1937 US Cabinet: Secretary of Defense 1961-1968. Through their fundraising efforts they have donated over $20,000 to the local Red Cross chapter. Scholarships are available to undergraduate members and those alumni members who are pursuing graduate degrees. Delta Sigma Phi became the first fraternity to create a partnership with Phired Up Productions, a fraternity and sorority recruitment consulting company, to coach its New Chapter Development team. Jim Mora Alpha Tau Omega Occidental 55 Pro football head coach since 1983. Steve Wynn Sigma Alpha Mu Owner of the Wynn Las Vegas, Charlie Munger Sigma Phi Society Vice-Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, Lee Iacocca Theta Chi Former Chairman and CEO, Chrysler Corporation, Ted Turner Kappa Sigma (Beta-Alpha), media mogul (TNT, TBS, CNN, Atlanta Braves), James Goodnight Tau Kappa Epsilon Beta-Beta NC State Founder of SAS, Conrad Hilton Tau Kappa Epsilon Alpha-Omicron NM State Founder of Hilton Hotels, Howard Shultz Tau Kappa Epsilon Theta-Iota N Michigan Starbucks, Ben Stein Alpha Delta Phi Columbia 1966 Actor, Author, Economist, Humorist, Wolf Blitzer Alpha Epsilon Pi SUNY Buffalo 1970 Journalist, Author, CNN Correspondent, Gene Wilder Alpha Epsilon Pi ZL Iowa 1955 Actor/Producer/Director, Art Garfunkel Alpha Epsilon Pi Columbia 1964Singer/Composer, Jerry Lewis Alpha Epsilon Pi ZL Comedian/Chairman of the Muscular Dystrophy Association, Guy Fieri Alpha Tau Omega Nevada-Las Vegas 88 TV Personality, Walter Cronkite Chi Phi University of Texas 1937 anchorman for CBS News, Adam Levine Delta Chi Colorado 88 Artist management, Ashton Kutcher Delta Chi Iowa 2000 Actor: That 70s Show, Dude, Wheres My Car?, Cheaper by the Dozen, The Butterfly Effect, Punkd, Kevin Costner Delta Chi Fullerton, 77 Actor: The Guardian,The Tortilla Curtain, Rumor Has It, The Upside of Anger, Open Range, Dragonfly, Dick Clark, Phi Gamma-Syracuse University Art and Entertainment, Alan Thicke Delta Upsilon Western Ontario 1967 Actor and songwriter, Roger Ebert Phi Delta Theta Illinois 64,Film Critic, Columnist, Burt Reynolds Phi Delta Theta Florida State 57,Actor, Dick Carson Phi Gamma Delta Nebraska 1949 Television director; Emmy winner 1974, 1983, 1985, and 1986, John W. Johnny Carson Phi Gamma Delta Nebraska 1949 Former Host, NBCs Tonight Show, Bob Mathias Phi Gamma Delta -Stanford 1953 Actor, Olympic Champion, Congressmanh. His chapter, Epsilon Iota, benefitted, as did his University. Martin Luther King, Jr. Alpha Phi Alpha Civil Rights Activist, Frederick Douglass Alpha Phi Alpha -Anti-Slavery Activist, Thurgood Marshall Alpha Phi Alpha -Civil Rights Activist, Supreme Court Justice, John Kasich Alpha Sigma Phi The Ohio State University 1973 Congressman, Ohio (19832001); Governor of Ohio (20112019), Paul Ryan Delta Tau Delta Speaker of the House and Vice Presidential candidate Wisconsin Representative (1999-2019) ; Speaker (2015-2019), Ari Fleischer Kappa Delta Rho Alpha 82 Press Secretary for U.S. President George W. Bush, Mitch McConnell Phi Kappa Tau University of Louisville 1961 U.S. link to How Can Your Fraternity Use Social Media in Recruitment? Through a strategic plan of the fraternity, Delta Sigma Phi aims to be the largest single donor of pints of blood, "sweat equity" through community service and philanthropic donations to the American Red Cross by 2025. Harrison Ford Sigma Nu Zeta Tau (Ripon College) Starred in Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and The Fugitive. Dick Enberg Phi Sigma Kappa Epsilon Xi (Central Michigan) 1956 Nationally known NBC Sportscaster. Delta Sigma Phi also piloted two statewide regional events in the 201213 school year for chapters in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Texas. Andy Rooney Sigma Chi Colgate University 1942 Television personality, 60 Minutes. To be eligible, applicants must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale and be initiated members of Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity in good standing. Greg Gutfeld Sigma Chi -University of California, Berkeley 1987 Host of Red Eye w/ Greg Gutfeld on the Fox News Channel. Its truly been a fantastic year for the Foundation! Thompson, University of Alabama at Birmingham 96, who lives in the Houston Metro area. I wanted to provide you with a personal perspective of what has transpired. Courage. Failure to comply could mean the loss of recognition. The Gordian Knot is considered to be one of the first pledge manuals to be published on a fraternity-wide basis. It is also one of three fraternities founded at CCNY (now a part of the City University of New York (CUNY)). Nationally, the fraternity sold "Delta Sig + Red Cross" wristbands to chapters and members wishing to use the wristbands for fundraising efforts. Jim Larson, National President of Delta Sigma Phi, said, "We are indebted to Brother Knowles . Two years later the regents of the University of California passed a regulation requiring all fraternities and sororities to sign a certificate stating the organization did not have any discriminatory policies. Their group has given back to the community of Tuscaloosa with their time and respect. When a group of friends at the City College of New York tried to join a fraternity, they were denied membership because their group was composed of Christians and Jews. "[4], In 2001, the Kappa chapter at Auburn University had its charter revoked after a Halloween party where members were present in blackface, Ku Klux Klan robes, and simulating a lynching. The Red Cross has upgraded their need for assistance in the region as Urgent, and we encourage all members to help. Preamble of the Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity. Jeff Gorton Sigma Chi Bridgewater MA 1990 Hockey New York Rangers General Manager, Billy Packer Sigma Chi Wake Forest 1962 CBS Sports Sportscaster, Ed Orgeron Tau Delta Phi college football coach, Stephen A. Smith Tau Delta Phi -broadcast journalist, Robert Lefty Grove Theta Chi Baseball Hall of Famer Philadelphia As 1925-33, Boston Red Sox 1934-41, Daniel Rudy Ruettiger Kappa Sigma (Theta-Zeta), motivational speaker, best known from the movie Rudy, Dan Dierdorf Kappa Sigma (Beta-Gamma), Sports Commentator, Former NFL player, Stewart Mandel Kappa Sigma (Epsilon-Delta), Journalist Sports Illustrated, Rick Barry Kappa Sigma (Epsilon-Beta), Forward (19651980) Hall of FameJay Haas Kappa Sigma (Delta-Omega), Professional golfer (1976-), Peter Jacobsen Kappa Sigma (Gamma-Alpha), Professional golfer (1976-), Curtis Strange Kappa Sigma (Delta Omega), Professional golfer (1976-) World Golf Hall of Fame, Lloyd Carr Kappa Sigma (Beta-Gamma), Head Football coach University of Michigan (19952007), Lamar Hunt Kappa Sigma (Delta-Pi), Owner, Kansas City Chiefs, Jerry Jones Kappa Sigma (Xi), Owner, Dallas Cowboys. The only chapters founded during the Great Depression were Beta Kappa at the University of Alabama and Beta Lambda at Wake Forest. You may notice this link is a Delta Sigma Phi affiliate link this is solely to track the number and value of donations from our members; we do not receive any compensation for donations made through our link. Though Delta Sigma Phi always had a solid and straightforward mission, a process to define what type man the organization wished to recruit and build started in 2013. Mike Holmgren Sigma Chi USC 1970 President of the Cleveland Browns. [1] It is one of 26 social sororities that form the National Panhellenic Conference. As a result of a number of compromises the fraternity remained intact on a national level. Divyesh Jevtani, Illinois State University '01, has accepted an appointment as a member of the Delta Sigma Phi Grand Council, effective January 1, 2018.Brother Jevtani's appointment fills a vacancy left by John Knowles, Western Michigan University '99, who resigned effective December 31, 2017. Steve Harvey Omega Psi Phi Comedian and actor. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Adam Scott Sigma Chi UNLV 2000 Professional golfer, PGA Tour, 2013 Masters Tournament champion. Since the ritual was a private document and the constitution a public one, this compromise appeased those who resisted integration of the fraternity while allowing it to expand to new universities. Modern college is a lot of smoke and mirrors. Most recently, the Beta Psi Chapter of more than 200 men at Arizona State University provided CPR training for all members. INDIANAPOLIS, IN June 7, 2016 Nick Sweetman, a Delta Sigma Phi member and recent graduate of Arizona State University, has been recognized by the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) with their Undergraduate Award of Distinction. Submitted by jd0307 on Fri, 03/27/2020 - 8:36am. Although the fraternity was rebounding by the late 1930s, World War II caused a disruption within the fraternity. Divyesh was an active undergraduate brother, serving on the Undergraduate Advisory Committee as the Central Region representative, attending national conventions, participating in several Regional Leadership Academies (RLAs), and graduating from our distinguished learning program Leadership Institute. J.T. Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity Headquarters Manage Settings Former head coach, Vanderbilt University. Sigma Phi Epsilon is proud to recognize some of the many notable and accomplished members out of the 350,000 brothers who have joined our Fraternity since 1901. I am honored to be appointed as a member of the Grand Council and grateful for the opportunity to continue to pay my debt to the Fraternity said Jevtani, and I am excited to serve as the first alumni Millennial and bring new perspectives to the Grand Council.. The new campaign aims to encourage both undergraduate and alumni members to exemplify those principles in all aspects of life. AEPi. The social, service, leadership, and lifelong educational benefits of Delta Sigma Pi continue after graduation. Josh Kelley (Delta-Xi), musician. He was jointly nominated for this award by both Delta Sigma Phi and ASU. By 1903 the fraternity had established chapters at Columbia University and New York University. In late 1902, with five members from Insula signing incorporation papers, Delta Sigma Phi was incorporated with the purpose to spread "the principles of friendship and brotherhood among college men, without respect to race or creed." As you know, the city of Houston was devastated by Hurricane/Tropical Storm Harvey, which flooded the city with over 9 TRILLION gallons of water in a 48-72 hour period. That loyalty to the constituted authority of our nations and their subdivisions is a cardinal virtue of our brotherhood, the pledged faith of which shall never be broken; and that our brotherhood, receiving the blessings of liberty, education, and fraternity, shall ever support, foster and defend our universities, colleges, and school systems, founded under the dispensation of our governments and constituting the bulwarks of democracy for us, for our posterity and for all men. Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity is committed to upholding our standards and fostering meaningful Fraternity experience. Bob Griese Sigma Chi Purdue 1967 Pro Football Hall of Fame Quarterback for the Miami Dolphins, Woody Hayes Sigma Chi Denison 1935 NCAA Football Coach, The Ohio State University, 19511978. Prior to the 201314 academic year, Summit was attended by chapter presidents and VPRs. Now, the sun is out, and hope begins. Chapter of the American Red Cross. Greek Life Threads. Keith Jackson Omega Psi Phi 5 time Pro Bowler and 5 time All Pro former NFL Tight end. Vince Carter Omega Psi Phi 8-time All-Star. With an influx of new students, many of the dormant chapters were re-activated. [8], In 2014, the chapter at Washington State University was suspended after a stint of disciplinary issues with the university. We are excited to have Divyesh join the Grand Council, and see his Fraternity experience come full circle. John Robinson Sigma Chi Oregon 1958 Head coach, NFL Los Angeles Rams; NCAA football USC Trojans, 19761982. $29.99. "Any man that would haze a brother is not fit for membership in Delta Sigma Phi. Delta Sigma Phi does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, sexual identityor national origin. By this time, Delta Sigma Phi had expanded the number of staff and a national headquarters was created at the Riebold Building at Dayton, Ohio. I am amazed at the accomplishments of Cam Carey during his undergraduate career at University of Wisconsin, Lacrosse. The convention serves as an opportunity for members new and old alike to meet, share stories, vote on business and elect members to the Grand Council of the fraternity. The organization-wide GPA surpassed the 3.0 mark and $100,000 dollars was made available for academic scholarships through the McKee Scholarship. The Sphinx was the first symbol adopted by the fraternity at the time of inception. Not only was he able to take those experiences back to his chapter as an undergraduate, but he is now in a position to leverage his experiences and help us strengthen our Fraternity. Brother Jevtani is also a founding member of the New York City Alumni Association and has volunteered at the Northeast RLA, The Summit, and Leadership Institute. I will support Delta Sigma Phi's policies against the illegal use and abuse of alcohol and drugs. During the short period when men of Jewish faith were barred membership, many of the fraternity's founding documents were ruined. Most classes are a complete waste of time. Divyesh Jevtani, Illinois State University 01, has accepted an appointment as a member of the Delta Sigma Phi Grand Council, effective January 1, 2018. In as many weeks, a second historic hurricane will soon impact the southeast. The successful candidate will have a basic understanding of planned giving vehicles and be goal-oriented, organized and have excellent written and verbal communication skills. Bronko Nagurski Sigma Chi Minnesota 1930 Fullback and Defensive Tackle, NFL Chicago Bears; Pro Football Hall of Fame Charter Member, 1963. Anna McCune Harper was a professional tennis player who was ranked in the U.S. top ten five consecutive years from 1928 through 1932 and was top ranked in 1930. A Brief History of the Jew in the American College Fraternity By Steve Hofstetter, This page was last edited on 24 March 2023, at 15:10. Extra Fancy Simple Greek Graduation Stole / Sash with Crest. In 2013, Delta Sigma Phi held four RLAs, allowing each chapter to send up to 10 members at no additional cost to its paid in membership dues. The focus of these events is to create an open forum for students to discuss race and the effects of discrimination in their local and fraternity/sorority communities. Jim Bouton, Western Michigan '59, Former Major League Pitcher and author of Ball Four. As a testament to the geographic shift of the fraternity, the 1916 convention was held in Chicago, Illinois. That loyalty to the constituted authority of our nations and their subdivisions is a cardinal virtue of our brotherhood, the pledged faith of which . Irma is set to make landfall early the morning of September 10, at Floridas southern and southeast coasts. The Delta Sigma Phi letters, with wordmark and tagline in the below horizontal orientation is the most common public identifier of our Fraternity, and may be used across all applications. Founded at Yale in 1845, it is the 10th oldest Greek letter fraternity in the United States.. Former professional football coach. At the end of the nineteenth century, most fraternities were exclusively Christian or Jewish, and barred membership to individuals on the basis of religion. The fraternity's staff grew more than 50 percent from 2011 to 2014. I am reaching out to you as someone who went through the recent tropical system that moved through the Houston Metro area. Michael D. Eisner Delta Upsilon Denison 1964 Chairman and CEO of Walt Disney Co. Willard Marriott Phi Delta Theta Utah 25,Founder, Marriott Hotels, Michael Bloomberg Phi Kappa Psi Maryland Alpha 1961 Founder Bloomberg L.P.; Mayor New York City, 2002-2013. Prominent Alumni. For the 201314 academic year, the fraternity expanded the RLA program to 16 state or local-region sessions throughout the fall and spring. Jay Wright Sigma Chi Bucknell 1983 Mens Basketball Coach, Villanova University, Big East Coach of the Year: 2006, 2009, 2014. Paul Allen Phi Kappa Theta Co-Founder Microsoft, Owner of Portland Trail Blazers & Seattle Seahawks, Truett Cathy Pi Kappa Alpha Founder and CEO, Chick-Fil-A; Author and Philanthropist, Stephen R. Covey Pi Kappa Alpha Co-founder and Vice Chairman, FranklinCovey; Author, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Tim Ferriss Pi Kappa Alpha Entrepreneur, Author, Podcaster, and Investor, Lonnie Poole Pi Kappa Phi Tau (NC State) CEO, Waste Management Systems, Mark Cuban Pi Lambda Phi Business and Investment. Our mission is to empower and encourage our members to become Better Men - men of culture, men of harmony, and men of friendship. Many Jewish members and other minorities left Delta Sigma Phi or joined others, including Meyer Boskey, who withdrew active participation in the fraternity for an extended period of time. Notable Alumni. Excellence. Earl Thomas Kappa Alpha Psi Iota Delta Seattle Seahawks All-Pro safety; Mike Tomlin Kappa Alpha Psi Eta Omega (Charter member: Xi Theta) Head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers; Aeneas Williams Kappa Alpha Psi Alpha Sigma Former All Pro St. Louis Rams defensive back; Pro Football Hall of Fame, 2014, Arthur Ashe Kappa Alpha Psi Upsilon Tennis legend, social activist; 39th Laurel Wreath laureate, Woody Paige, Jr. Lambda Chi Alpha (Tennessee) ESPN Commentator, Around The Horn, Frederick S. Biletnikoff Lambda Chi Alpha (Florida State) College & Pro Football Hall of Fame, Lawrence H. Larry Brown Lambda Chi Alpha (UCLA) Basketball player & coach NBA Champion 2004 NCAA Champion 1988 Olympic Gold Medal. I reflect in awe of the experiences and cherished memories that will enrich my life forever because of Delta Sigma Phi, and am truly grateful. said Knowles, on his 18+ years serving Delta Sigma Phi as a volunteer. Among those pledges are a number of famous people. To be considered, qualified candidates must submit a resume and cover letter explaining their interest and fit for the position by July 15, 2018, to From Kappa Alpha to Sigma Nu, find out which celebrities took the oath of . Paul Rudd Sigma Nu Nu (University of Kansas) Actor in films such as Anchorman, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Clueless, and The Shape of Things, Tracy Lawrence Sigma Pi Epsilon-Kappa Country Music Superstar, Dennis Miller -Sigma Tau Gamma Point Park Comedian/Actor/TV Personality, Larry King Tau Epsilon Phi Honorary Television and Radio Host, Jerry Springer Tau Epsilon Phi Tulane University (Epilson Kappa) Television Host, The Jerry Springer Show, Joseph Wapner Tau Epsilon Phi University of Southern California (Tau Gamma) Judge, The Peoples Court, Leonard Bernstein Zeta Beta Tau Alpha Zeta of Phi Epsilon Pi (Harvard University) 1939 Composer (West Side Story); Conductor New York Philharmonic, Mike Wallace Zeta Beta Tau Alpha Gamma (University of Michigan) 1939 Correspondent, 60 Minutes, Dick Wolf Zeta Psi Sigma Creator of Law and Order Television Franchise. Bobby Pulido (Lambda-Psi), musician, Tejano recording artist. Here are a few of Delta Sigma Pi's most notable alumni:-Gilman G. Louie, Partner, Alsop Louie Partners; Former President & CEO, In-Q-Tel, Inc. Chris Dawson, Inventor, Polly Pocket. Famous Fraternity Alumni - Athletics. However, the line "the belief in God is essential to our welfare" in the preamble was untouched and remains so to this day. As a result, the chapter was suspended and placed on probation. review the position profile available here. Proper use of our logo ensures the maximum impact of the Delta Sigma . Congressman, Louisiana, Oliver Wendell Holmes Alpha Delta Phi Harvard 1861 Justice, US Supreme Court, John Jay Alpha Delta Phi Columbia 1836 Abolitionist and grandson ofJohn Jay,First Chief Justice of US Supreme Court, William Jennings Bryan Delta Chi Georgetown Alumnus Famous orator, presidential candidate, The Great Commoner, Dan Quayle Delta Kappa Epsion -Vice President. While exemptions originally were granted to chapters in danger of losing recognition with their universities, the Beta Iota Chapter at Wittenberg University received a special exemption. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Alternatively, you may also click this link to donate directly to the Red Cross, Beta Kappa Chapter Named American Red Cross Partner of the Year, Make strong connections with alumni and friends of Delta Sigma Phi and earn their philanthropic support that meets the organizations needs, Work closely with all development team members to ensure annual fund, major giving and planned giving goals are met each fiscal year, Be determined and results-oriented, self-confident and enjoy working in a small team dynamic and fast-paced environment, Personally manage a portfolio of major gift prospects/donors, Collaborate with and engage Delta Sigma Phi board members and other volunteers to include them in the fundraising process, Assist in formulating and implementing the Foundations short-term and long-term fundraising plans, Serve as an official ambassador for Delta Sigma Phi. Donors to the foundation can delegate their funding to a chapter's 21st Century Fund. When the United States entered World War I in 1917 Delta Sigma Phi had more than 1,000 initiates and 19 active chapters. And not all of these famous people are performers - President William McKinley also pledged the purple and gold while attending Mount Union College. With over 200,000 members, Delta Sigma Pi has an amazing group of Alumni. Coolidge, Calvin Phi Gamma Delta Amherst 1895 US President 1923-1928. And, of course, the excellence you envisioned for . We owe all of that success to you, our most loyal supporters. There are various levels of membership.[2]. We're going in alphabetical order, but some smaller fraternities might get paired with a bigger one. My family and I were lucky. On the alumni level, Delta Sig has alumni associations and alumni chapters. In 1915, the first West Coast chapter, Hilgard Chapter at UC Berkeley was installed. 2019. I will encourage and support other members in pursuit of the ideals of this code of conduct. Many Floridians are in the process of evacuating, while a large swath of the remainder of the south also makes preparations. She won the mixed doubles title at Wimbledon in 1931 and was the runner-up in singles at the 1930 U.S. Championships. Mike Gminski Sigma Alpha Epsilon Duke University professional basketball player, Phil Jackson Sigma Alpha Epsilon University of North Dakota professional basketball coach, Pistol Pete Maravich Sigma Alpha Epsilon Louisiana State University professional basketball player, Gregg Marshall Sigma Alpha Epsilon Wichita State University current coach, Troy Aikman Sigma Alpha Epsilon UCLA Dallas Cowboys Super Bowl MVP Quarterback and Hall of Famer, Tony Boselli Sigma Alpha Epsilon University of Southern California professional football player, Mack Brown Sigma Alpha Epsilon Florida State University University of Texas at Austin football coach, Pete Carroll Sigma Alpha Epsilon University of the Pacific Seattle Seahawks football coach, Greg McElroy Sigma Alpha Epsilon University of Alabama QB 2009 National Champions, NFL QB for the Cincinnati Bengals, Dennis Erickson Sigma Alpha Epsilon football coach, Montana State University, Ed McCaffrey Sigma Alpha Epsilon Stanford University Professional football player, Matt Prater Sigma Alpha Epsilon University of Central Florida NFL Kicker for the Detroit Lions, Bo Schembechler Sigma Alpha Epsilon Miami University former University of Michigan football coach, Barry Switzer Sigma Alpha Epsilon University of Oklahoma Honorary former football coach University of Oklahoma and Dallas Cowboys, Fran Tarkenton Sigma Alpha Epsilon University of Georgia quarterback of Minnesota Vikings and New York Giants, Carson Palmer Sigma Alpha Epsilon University of Southern California quarterback of Arizona Cardinals, Christian McCaffrey Sigma Alpha Epsilon Stanford University Heisman trophy finalist running back, Josh Rosen Sigma Alpha Epsilon quarterback of University of California, Los Angeles, Hunter Henry Sigma Alpha Epsilon tight end of San Diego Chargers, University of Arkansas Mackey Award Winner, Kirby Smart Sigma Alpha Epsilon University of Georgia University of Georgia football head coach, Fran Tarkenton Sigma Alpha Epsilon University of Georgia Pro Football Hall of Fame, College Football Hall of Fame, Quarterback, Andy Bean Sigma Alpha Epsilon Sigma Alpha Epsilon University of Florida golf announcer, player on the PGA Champions Tour, Gary Koch Sigma Alpha Epsilon University of Florida golfer, sportscaster, course designer, Tom Purtzer Sigma Alpha Epsilon Arizona State University golfer, PGA Champions Tour, Patrick McEnroe Sigma Alpha Epsilon Stanford University tennis professional, Bob Baffert Sigma Alpha Epsilon University of Arizona Triple Crown winner, Marv Albert Sigma Alpha Mu sports commentator for NBC, Hank Greenberg Sigma Alpha Mu Major League Baseball Hall of Fame player, David Stern Sigma Alpha Mu Commissioner of the NBA, Bill Buckner Sigma Chi USC 1972 MLB Los Angeles Dodgers (1969-76), Chicago Cubs (1977-84), Boston Red Sox (1984-87 & 1990), Los Angeles Angels (1987-88, Jim Palmer Sigma Chi Arizona State 1967 MLB, Baltimore Orioles. 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