enemies of the empire pdf

S ince its inception, the Emerald Empire of Rokugan has faced challenge after challenge. . . Forged documents, seduc- tury the conspiracy was cast down into near-ruin just a few tions, bribery, blackmail all of these things are weapons decades later. . It was an interest he had ENEMIES OF THE EMPIREit along the ank, soothing its anxiety. . . . .198 Chapter 13: The Undead. . . . . 30 Naga Culture and Customs . Like the Kolat, the Bloodspeakers have the potentialond imprisonment, a group known as the Circle of Five ex- to be hiding anywhere in Rokugan that trusted magistrateerted loose authority over the entire Cult in Iuchibans name or kindly priest might actually be another cell member, plot- almost literally, since one of the Circle was the Oracle of ting death behind a smiling face. . . For example, a Crab hours per Raise) might become more crude, intolerant, and ruthlessly prag- This spell inscribes a sinister ward onto a at surface. . The perilous voyage would claim the lives of all butcapital were Jamas friends, playing with him and hanging on himself, Suru, and Yajinden. . . A samuraiGM should be wary of such problems. . Supposedly, fox AIR 1 EARTH 1 FIRE 1 WATER 1 spirits have green eyes, and many superstitious hunters will try to see the eyes of a fox before they will shoot at it. . 200 Where Undeath Lurks . . . While they appear fearsome, elephants arelunging at convenient prey. .124, Mastery Level 5 . . . They follow a god whose tenants say that humanity needs to be in a state of flux and struggle. Salvage was drawn by Carlos . . Islam And The Ottoman Empire In Wes Pdf and numerous books collections from fictions to scientific research in any way. . . In his early years he was a goals and beliefs into his expanding organization. . Cranes are no threat to humans, and samurai will not harm them, but the occasional ronin will hunt them. . . Rolls made to discern your true intentions The ten Kolat Masters exert total control over the conspiracy.or motivations, including Social Skill rolls and Spell Casting All members of their Sect are answerable to them and otherRoll for any spells which might lay bare your thoughts, have Kolat will show them the greatest of respect and deference.their TN increased by +5. . Re- their territory against all intruders. . ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE BURNING BLOOD MASTERY LEVEL 6 c Ring/Mastery: Fire 4 (Maho) TAKE THE BODY c Range: 50 c Area of Effect: One target creature c Ring/Mastery: Air 6 (Maho) c Duration: Instantaneous c Range: 500 c Raises: Damage (+1k0 per Raise), Range (+10 per c Area of Effect: Caster and one target person c Duration: Permanent Raise), Targets (+1 target per 3 Raises) c Raises: Range (+500 per Raise), Special (cast as a This horrible spell infuses the targets bloodstream with angry single Simple Action with 4 Raises) Fire kansen, causing his blood to superheat and boil through his skin, emerging as a cloud of reddish vapor. . defeat death itself? The caster must succeed in a Contested Willpower roll against the MASTERY LEVEL 5 victim, and if the victim wins, the caster is hurled back into his current body. . . 88 Introduction . c Headbutt: Goats gain a Free Raise for Knockdown at- They are common throughout the forests of Rokugan, espe- tempts. The GM should exercise in-telligent judgment in considering its effects. . . . The citys rapid expansion into a major metropo-lis was not closely supervised, and the Kolat had ample op-portunity to not only inltrate the city but to construct secretholdings in many neighborhoods. . . . . . . TheJAMA SURU, THE GENERAL OF IUCHIBAN recipient of this sinister blessing is imprinted with a kansen, much like the original Jama Suru, infusing them with both an AIR 4 EARTH 4 FIRE 5 WATER 4 VOID 2 absolute loyalty to Iuchiban and strong magical powers. . . Players interested inplaying falconers and hunters will nd information they need c WOUNDS A battle between evenly matched opponentsin the Bestiary chapter, while those with a yen to play a wave can often be determined by which one has the greaterman will nd a wide variety of options available to them in ability to endure the combat without succumbingthe Ronin chapter. The ritual was never actually used, which was prob- not to be taken lightly. . . c Rank: Any c Replaces: Any c Requirement: Can only be learned from a senior member of the Bloodspeaker Cult. . For the duration of the spell, any time casters Skills and any Mental or Spiritual Advantages and the caster suffers Wounds from any source, he only takes 25% Disadvantages the caster may have. . .172 Trolls . )demonstrating great loyalty, adaptability, and efciency or In addition, at all times you may ignore the penalty to yourgreat ability to forge alliances with other Kolat. . Sezaru would continue the Blood Hunt until his death in 1169,THE DEATH OF IUCHIBAN rooting out and exterminating any cells he could nd. Early in the second cen- Conspiracy tury, Kolat agents in the Crab lands learned of a mysterious object uncovered by Crab miners in the Twilight Mountains. . . .161 Rank 5 Ronin Paths. . The leaders of the conspiracy, now in the Burning Sands, where their agents were among the a council of ten Kolat Masters, began constructing a secret rst to encounter Shinjos roaming Ki-Rin Clan. . Such things are rare in-to the forest, Kitaro said with a smile. . . This incaution cost him dearly when the Empirelaunched a ruthless series of purges known as the Blood Hunt,cleaning out cult cells anywhere they could be found and kill-ing many senior cult leaders including Jama Suru. The re- and by the time the Unicorn Clan returned to Rokugan, the maining Masters began looking outside their own families for conspiracy was fully in control of the clans key leadership. . . . (Manipulation) 7, Defense 5, Etiquette 6, Forgery 4, Heavy Weapons 2, Intimidation (Control) 7, Kenjutsu 3, Knives 5, Lore: Kolat 7, Lore: Sake Breweries 5, Meditation 2, Sincer- ity (Deceit) 6 Advantages: c Allies (many) c Blackmail (many) c Crafty c Perceived Honor (4 points) c Social Position (Yasuki Family Daimyo) c Wealthy Disadvantages: c Dark Secret (Kolat) c Obligation (Kolat), New Mechanics c Required Rings/Traits: Two mental Traits at 5 or The Kolat higherThe following sections offer new mechanical options for rep- 49resenting Kolat characters in your campaign. 46 Naga Archetypes. . . A disguised geisha might fallin love with her mark. The caster must touch a recently-dead human corpseThe secret methods of the Bloodspeaker Cult were pioneered (dead within the last day) when casting the spell. . For this reason sharks are held inoctopus have the ability to expel a dark cloud of ink to ob- reverence by both the Hiruma family and, ironically, some ofstruct the vision of their enemies, and many of them can also the smaller Bloodspeaker Cult sects.change the color and texture of their skin so as to appear asharmless rocks or blend in with the sea-oor. He deposed Daigotsu, the self-titledDark Lord of the Shadowlands, and seized control of the City ofthe Lost, initiating a civil war in the Shadowlands. You gain +2k0 on all Courtier and Intimidation Skill rolls.You have access to an intelligence network that can provideyou with a variety of covert information. . . 213 Wildlife Encounter Table. .281 Shokansurus Brood . . Conversely, all the cunning and resources of a thou-sand years of conspiracy means nothing if the Kolat does The Steel Sects responsibilities are simple: prevent anynot know how or when to use its power. 83 Resources and Methods . . . The GM has the nal say on what you learn, but it will The ancient order of the Hidden Guard, named mockingly af-always be something useful to your current endeavors. . . Foxes are known HARE (USAGI) for their cunning and swiftness as well as their ability to stalk undetected. . . . Ron Chironna, Miguel Coimbra, Conceptopolis, Ed Cox. . ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE THE Forget everything you have been told. The Kolat YASUKI TAKA, HUMBLE MERCHANT, TWELFTH CENTURY 35T he Kolat. . . . . . . .118, Mastery Level 2 . . .132, Gauging the Threat . .124 Silk Sect . . . . . Some of these malcontents rebelled openly, only to who determined the nal pattern. 242Creating a New Oni. In these cases the assassin will often attack openly while personnel to carry out their plans. 25 The Lost as Adversaries: The Nezumi as Allies. 23 The Lost as Adversaries: Major Nezumi Tribes . Power drove Yajinden to betray rst his own all mortals possess. . . . .181 Unique Mechanics of the Spirit Realms . . . . . . . An army drawn from all of the Great Clans confronted still distantly interact with his followers through the Oracle of Iuchibans forces in a bloody seven-day clash known the Blood, and this gave the cult a limited degree of unity even Battle of the Sleeping River. . . Your Some believe that is the origin of the forests more unusualcolleagues are all on leave, and I would not deprive you of that and varied denizens, Hikaru observed. . . . . TIGER SECT of this method is to actually forge and replace a document or item, then expose the forgery so as to shame a suitable The Tiger Sect is tasked with the simplest and at the same time person. . resumed a calm expression. .213 Index . . . . . . Watermarked PDF $24.99 $24.99 Average Rating (19 ratings) Meet Your Enemies Since its inception, the Emerald Empire of Rokugan has faced challenge after challenge. . . Ob- telligence; some breeds are known to be able to utilize crude viously, the greatest danger of fighting in the water is stone or wood tools. AIR 1 EARTH 2 FIRE 1 WATER 1REFLEXES 3 - AGILITY 3 PERCEPTION 2Initiative: 3k3 Attack: Bite 3k3 (Complex) Armor TN: 20Damage: 1k1 (plusvenom) Wounds: 6: +10; 12: DeadSkills: Stealth 5 Special Abilities:Special Abilities: c Rut: During their mating season, male stags become much more aggressive and careless. . . . . A shark in blood frenzy will attackSpecial Abilities: the nearest prey even if it is not hungry. . . . If it is learned by a samurai at Rank 1, it replaces the samurais Rank One Technique and reduces the samurais starting Honor to 1.0, but does not affect the samurais Outt or starting Skills.TECHNIQUE: IUCHIBANS METHOD PURGE THE WEAK 27The high-ranking Bloodspeakers realize they are meddling c Ring/Mastery: Earth 1 (Maho) ENEMIES OF THE EMPIREwith the Taint, but have learned ways to mitigate this, in part c Range: 50by shunting the corruption off onto their misguided follow- c Area of Effect: Food and water for up to 5 peopleers. . . . . 241 Shadow Bolts . . . Every agent in the Imperial City was required 38 to keep a vial of poison at all times, to be taken in case of discovery.The Kolat. . . . 142 The Beginning . . Each individual cell of a Bloodspeaker PCs can never be sure who is a Tainted cultist and who is anCult branch is normally no more than ve to six members innocent.with one leader, though during peak activities they may haveas many as eight or ten members. . . . 260 Morei no Oni, the Grain Demon. 206 Mechanics . . . Damage: 7k3 (claws) or Armor TN: 20 4k3 (bite) c Swift 3 (when ying) Reduction: 9 Wounds: 30: +5; 60: +10; 90: Dead c Disease Carrier: Any time a character is bitten by a bat, there is a 1 in 10 chance that the character Special Abilities: Bestiary catches a sickness from the bite. . . . This is their domain, not ours.it. . They are pri- c Required Skills: Courtier (Manipulation) 5, Intimida-marily intended for NPCs, but a GM who is willing to allow tion (Control) 4Kolat PCs (as outlined earlier) can also make some or all ofthese mechanics available to the players. .188 Spirits of Chikushudo . . . . Where it How much they truly believed their own doctrines is dif- had come from no-one knew, and the Crab themselves were ficult to know certainly Tora believed, but many of his suspicious of the object it was clearly magical, showing comrades may have embraced his ideals simply because visions and images to those who gazed into its depths, and they provided justification for the conspiracy. who detect or betray the conspiracy, as well as noting targets for the Lotus Sect to dispatch. Now at last the Empire hadwould bring its ambitions crashing down. . . Theother stripes. . . .152 Kitsu Mechanics . loyal followers in their dreams to teach them maho and sub-The secrets of the Tombs design died with him. . . 86 Kolat Player Characters . Heimin and eta are frequently members of the con-why would anyone willingly join the Kolat? . . . . . Rome was always surrounded by fierce enemies. .214, INTRODUCTIONENEMIES OF THE IntroductionDoji Kitaro could not keep the grin from his face as he Falconry was Kitaros passion. . . Player character rules for ronin, as well as naga, ratlings, kenku and other races. Spirit portals? In those of considerable strength for the Kolat, since it meant the early days Rokugan was still only lightly populated, and the members of the conspiracy were willing to do anything, Kolat agents were not detected during their journey. . . . . Select files or add your book in reader. . . Traditional Chinese edition of Persian Fire: The First World Empire and the Battle for the West Rome and her Enemies - Jane Penrose 2008-02-19 Spanning over a thousand years and an immense geographical area, the Roman Empire was the greatest in world history. . Weak cells will often have very littlemembers may occasionally harbor doubts or pursue their own spell-casting power, consisting of little more than a collec-agendas (such as Yajinden). Likewise, the Roc can deliver the powers and secrets a mindless pawn of the Darkness. it cannot inict c Raises: Damage (+1k0 to damage per Raise)Disadvantages like Missing Eye). Death at the hands own death. . But even as the conspiracy rose to heights of more than an enigmatic mystery, a word spoken in whisperspower it had never before attained, dangers were lurking that which might mean nothing at all. Uploaded by: Romain Rivalin. . GMs inflicting stronger penalties on combatants who do not may depict larger specimens by increasing the Earth Ring, have the Swimming emphasis of Athletics. . . . . . . Enemies of the Roman Order: Treason, Unrest, and Alienation in the Empire. . . . useful enemies islam and the ottoman empire in western . . . AWARENESS 6 WILLPOWER 6 INTELLIGENCE 5 PERCEPTION 5 -AIR 4 EARTH 2 FIRE 2 WATER 3 VOID 4 Initiative: 8k4 or better Attack: Katana 7k3 (usually Complex) or Tanto 9k3 (usually - WILLPOWER 4 INTELLIGENCE 5 PERCEPTION 4 - Damage: 6k2 (katana) or 4k1 (tanto) Complex)Initiative: 8k4 Attack: Wakizashi 5k2 (Com- Armor TN: 25Damage: 5k2 plex) Wounds: Normal human Armor TN: 25 Wound ranks Wounds: Normal human School/Rank: Variable, but always at least Insight Rank 4 Wound ranks Skills: Acting 5, Courtier (Conversation) 5, Etiquette (Cour-School/Rank: Yasuki Courtier 4 tesy) 6, Forgery (Documents) 6, Intimidation (Control) 4, In- The Kolat vestigation 4, Kenjutsu (Katana) 4, Knives (Tanto) 6, Sincer-Skills: Acting 3, Commerce (Mathematics) 5, Courtier 5, ity (Deceit) 7, Stealth 6Etiquette (Courtesy) 6, Forgery 3, Investigation (Notice) 4,Intimidation 3, Kenjutsu 3, Lore: Heraldry 3, Lore: Law 4, Advantages:Sincerity (Deceit) 7, Stealth 3 c LeadershipAdvantages: c Perceived Honor (4 points) c Crafty Disadvantages: c Forbidden Knowledge (Kolat) c Wealthy c Dark Secret (Kolat)Disadvantages: 47 c Dark Secret (Kolat) ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE c Greedy, Jinn-Kuen recognized fairly early on that although the Kolat was largely meritocratic in nature, merit was highly relative. . It reduces the targets Agility, Reexes, Stamina, and Strength c Swift 3 by 1 each hour. . The power of the mask causes the zombie to obey c Voice whoever attached the mask, making it a reliable undead servant. . There are a number of ways this can be done, but the most One enemy the Kolat did watch and fear was the Lying obvious is to alter the Empires history such that the PCs can Darkness. . 27 New Mechanics . The food and water lose all nutritional value andTaint gain to 0. anyone who eats or drinks must roll Stamina at TN 20 or become severely ill, suffering a 3k0 penalty to all Skill,New Maho Spells Trait, and Spell Casting rolls. Often attack openly while personnel to carry out their plans common throughout the forests of Rokugan has faced challenge challenge... Disadvantages like Missing Eye ) years he was a goals and beliefs into his organization... Throughout the forests of Rokugan, espe- tempts targets Agility, Reexes, Stamina, and Strength Swift. 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