hebrews 11 commentary spurgeon

I would have laughed at the idea of any body else talking to me about these things; but when she prayed, and said, "Lord, save my son Charles," and then was overcome, and could not get any further for crying, you could not help crying too; you could not help feeling; it was of no use trying to stand against it. Ah! It is a wonder of wonders that we have not gone back to the world, and to our own sin. Men come not to their perfect stature except by years of growth. The departures from the faith of those whom we highly esteem are, at least while we are young, very severe trials to us. Today we're reading the New Testament book of Matthew Chapter 18 , and I'm smoking . Notice how the text puts it, "But now they desire a better country, that is, a heavenly." Thou hast a sacred right; for here sinners are invited, and thou art such. This woman's faith was A SELF-DENYING FAITH. Have faith in God about him. "Weakness" is all we possess. He might well be ashamed to be called their God if you look upon them as they are. To be good we must be singular. The answer is exceedingly correct; but it might have been equally truthful if it had been shorter. For all the scorning of many he went on obeying his God: he stuck to the lines on which God had placed him, and he could not be turned to the right hand or to the left, because he had a real faith in God. "Without faith it is impossible to please God." With regard to the things of God our first thoughts are best: considerations of difficulty entangle us. The evidence of things not seen. "Wife?" This is a first-fruit of the Spirit. He is not ashamed to call them brethren. No, no, she did not. God had scarcely spoken ere Abraham replied. Not so Noah: he was precise in his obedience, and careful to remain so. Faith is the great force which is needed by those whose principal work is to overcome sin. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind." You feel that you have little to show for your faith. If we never give any thing to Christ's cause, work for Christ, deny ourselves for Christ, the root of the matter is not in us. But mark, Rahab's faith was a SINGULAR FAITH. "Along the cool, sequestered vale of life they hold the even tenor of their way." Believe in Jesus, who makes intercession; for through him you may come boldly to the throne of grace. "he hath prepared for them"--"them." We can have all imaginable strength for the grandest achievements desirable, if we have faith in God. "Let him ask in faith, nothing wavering." There is death everywhere else but there. When you sit expectant on the banks of the last river, waiting, for the summons to cross, it may be that your fiercest temptation will come even then. But there are other forms of suffering than these of daily life and of bodily pain. "No," they say; "the walls of Jericho are strong; can the feeble host resist us? I will show you that it is so; for, if I should hear a voice, how am I to know that it is divine? He hath prepared for them, not for all of you, but only for such as he has prepared for the city, has he prepared the city. But, dear brethren, it is not merely in our business and in our calling; the mischief lies in our bone and in our flesh. III. "No, I don't; I'm prophesying; for you read preaching, and call it preaching, and I read prophecies, and, on the same rule, that is prophesying." The vows of God are upon you. Bible Study Tools Language Tools Doubtless he was the frequent subject of sarcastic remark. And all of us might say that we find in our avocations from hour to hour many opportunities to return. Let me say just one thing more about them. Oh! "I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob," and while he calls himself their God he never forbids them to call him their God; and in the presence of the great ones of the earth they may call him their God--anywhere. Another reason why we should follow with simplicity and faith all the commands of God, is this, because we may be quite sure they shall all end well. He knows thy poor body, and he permits it to be frail, and permits thy heart to be trembling, because he will glorify himself in his tenderness to thy weakness, wherein he will make thee strong. We should not reason about the command of God as though it might be set aside or amended. Only a reigning faith will make us subject to its power, so as to be in all things obedient to the Lord. Thus have I worked out the idea that the first principle which actuated Noah's heart was faith in the living God. If we passed through life unrecognised, or were only acknowledged by a sneer from the worldly-wise, and if this were regarded as a failure, it could be borne with equanimity as long as we knew that we had kept our faith towards God, and our obedience to him. O my brothers, believe up to the hilt in prayer, and you will find it to be the most remunerative work on earth! Providence is God's business, obedience is ours. Meanwhile, the tremendous blow made their future antagonists in Canaan to tremble. Do you think that we meditate enough upon heaven? Ah! A strong emphasis in Spurgeon's preaching was God's grace and sovereignty over man's helpless state. Men are never right by accident, nor obedient to the Lord by chance; preparation of heart is wanted, and this the Lord must give. God alone can help you to fill up with roses that grim memory of danger and suffering. The patience of hope is a very important part of Christian life, and faith is the essence of it. Strength to do right at the head of a household must come by divine gift; and that gift will only be placed in the open hand of faith. They were quite as weak as the weakest of us; but by their faith they laid hold on heavenly strength until they could do all things. He hath prepared for them a city. Though you should forsake all, and should be by all forsaken, for the truth's sake, with Abraham's trial and Abraham's faith, you shall have Abraham's honor and Abraham's reward. He might well be ashamed of that. But the most of you believe the Bible to be inspired by the Spirit of God, and to be the voice of God. Acts 9:31 New Living Translation (NLT) 31 The church then had peace throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria, and it became stronger as the believers lived in the fear of the Lord. What! If any man will say, "I believe such and such a thing is true, but I do not wish any one else to believe it, I will tell you, it is a lie; he does not believe it, for it is impossible, heartily and really to believe a thing, without desiring to make others believe the same. We should find that none of our old friends would refuse to receive us. But note what it is. God makes faith and obedience the way of safety. Revelation 3:7-13 Philadelphia: The church that was taken! Have you faith? And then, as though the greatest victory should be recorded last, we have faith entering the lists with sin, holding a tournament with iniquity, and coming off more than a conqueror. said he to him. I do not always enjoy that something better. That is nothing. A city is a place of genial associations. Here we are in midsummer again, and yet Felix has not found his convenient season. Crown 8vo, 64 pages. We must be separate in character from those with whom we may be called to grind at the same mill, or sleep in the same bed; and this I warrant you is by no means an easier task than that which fell to the patriarch's lot. Dear hearer, have you faith? But it is written that "all these, having obtained a good testimony through faith, did not receive the promise." Hebrews 11:39. I feel much the same myself, and would do nothing of which God would not approve." O that God might sanctify some that are here! Abraham went without any hesitation. If thou wilt trust thy soul with Jesus, thou art saved. There is no hint of hesitation, parleying, or delay; when he was called to go out, he went out. He that does not run away because his legs are weak, does not prove himself a hero, but he that could run, but won't run, that could desert his Lord, but won't desert him, has within him a principle of grace stronger than any fetter could be--the highest, strongest, noblest bond that unites a man to the Saviour. They say, "The thing is likely, therefore I believe it." Can you pray, my brother? It was blotted out when he nailed the handwriting of ordinances that were against thee to his cross. If a little flood had happened and moved his ark a little, he would have had some evidence for his faith; but there was no flood at all; and his ark lay high and dry for a century and a quarter! Don't expect the men of this world to treat you as one of themselves--if they do, be afraid. Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter if thou hast no faith. 1. If you take the wooden sword of your own reasoning, you may easily be beaten. JEHOVAH ROPHI is his name: "The Lord that healeth thee." They are, in truth, the pilgrim's solace. You see his outward attire, not his inner self--you see the earthly tabernacle, but the spirit newborn, immortal and divine--you see not that. 3 By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. I could not come to the point." Do not rest content with half the promise. I believe she has sons too, and she loves them. Collection administered by Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The question of many will be, did it pay? III. The chief end of man is "to please God;" for in so doing we need not say it, because it is an undoubted fact in so doing he will please himself. What the Lord has spoken he is able to make good; and none of his words shall fall to the ground. In all the cities of Europe there are reattains of the "Jews' quarter," and we in London had our "Old Jewry," the Jews being evermore a peculiar people. We tarry here a night; we are away in the morning. "You will be captivated by the lofty way Spurgeon unfolds the real significance of marital love, the reverent way he honors Christ, and the genuine desire Have a thorough, and entire, and childlike faith in the revelation of the Most High, and you will be made strong in those mental conflicts for which in yourself you are so weak. the Spirit of God comes to many when they are in much the same condition; and what a work it is to bring up from the horrible midnight, and to give strength to rise out of the inky waters! C. H. Spurgeon at the Music Hall, Royal Surrey Gardens. I believe that since it is all the Word of God it is all most assuredly true." You belong to an infidel club; if you should make them a speech after your own conscience, they would hiss you; and if you forsook their company, they would persecute you. You are deceiving yourselves if you think so. Yet faith is the instrument of accomplishing the whole work. "Where can I find comfort then, and security?" Dost thou stand at this moment in this assembly, and say, "I am ashamed to be here; I know I have no right to stand among people who are chaste and honest?" ". Assuredly, you will not hold out without true faith, and much of it. Depend upon it a grain of truth is a grain of diamond dust, and it is precious. We are not alone by ourselves, and we can neither live nor die apart, for God has linked us with others. The spirit of proselyting is the spirit of Christianity, and we ought to be desirous of possessing it. I don't want any of your thoughts." the gutta-percha backbone is common among Dissenters, and they take to politics, and the new philosophy, and therefore we are losing the force of our testimony, and are, I fear, decreasing in numbers too. If you want to go back to sin, to carnality, to a love of the world, to your old condition, you never need to be prevented from doing so by want of opportunities: it will be something else that will prevent you, for these opportunities are plentiful and countless. Said the dear little lad, very prettily, "Because I'm a good boy." Children usually exaggerate their models; but there will be no fear of their going too far in faith, or in obedience to the Lord. But, then, notice that when Abraham started he made no stipulations with his Lord. Whatever may be the precepts of the law, or of the gospel, they are pure and holy altogether. Let no one run away, when I shall have expounded the first point, and miss the rest, for you can not apprehend the whole power of her faith unless you remember each of those particulars I am about to mention. And Jacob, one of the patriarchs, was driven to go down into the land, but he could not stay there; he was always unrestful, till at last he stole a march upon Laban and came back into the proper life--the life which he had chosen, the life which God had commanded him, the life of a pilgrim and a stranger in the land of promise. To the very edge of Jordan you will meet with temptations. In watching with the eyes of carnal reason for objections to God's precept and providence, it would be well if our eyes were burnt out, for better for us to enter into life having no eyes than having two eyes to follow our own devices and find our end destruction in hell fire. It is the easiest thing in the world to believe as every body else believes, but the difficulty is to believe a thing alone, when no one else thinks as you think; to be the solitary champion of a righteous cause when the enemy mustereth his thousands to the battle. So, then, you see the reason why the Christian cannot go back, though he has many opportunities, lies in this, that through divine grace he has had produced in his heart desires for something better, and even when he does not as yet enjoy that something better, the desires themselves become mighty bonds that keep him from returning to what he was. As parents, we wish so to live that our children may copy us to their lasting profit. Jesus Is Able to Help Those Who Are Tempted . Trust his wounded side to smite through the heart of your evil desires. Great men, in the best sense, are bred in holy households. They were aliens in the country which God had given them by promise. I might call some of you hypocrites: you sing. Take heed of rushing to perdition over your mother's prayers! But one of his neighbors felt forced to go to him very early in the morning, and to say to him, "I beg your pardon for intruding so early, but I lay awake all last night thinking about you; and I cannot rest till I tell you something." Art thou literally one of Rahab's sisters in guilt? And one reason seems to me to be because he does not judge them by what they are, but by what he has prepared for them. Hebrews 1:1, 2. Here a tapestry is unfolded, depict What is faith? may the day never come to you, you young people especially, who have lately put on the Lord Jesus Christ and professed his name, when you shall be welcomed by the world; but may you for ever forget also your own kindred and your father's house, so shall the king greatly desire your beauty, for he is your Lord, and worship you him. Obedience is hard work to proud flesh and blood; indeed, these ingrained rebels will never obey through our own efforts. Then you are not like Jacob, good at wrestling. He that believeth hath everlasting life, and the joys which come of it. The very meaning of a church is, "called out by Christ." Because they are strangers, and because they will not go back to their old abode, therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God. Howbeit, repent of them never, or woe betide you. I confess that I do not believe that one human brain is capable of answering every objection that another human brain could raise against the most obvious truth in the world. Come, now, my hearer, are you willing to be one of the separated? Viewed as they are, they may be compared to a rabble in so many respects, that it is marvellous he is not ashamed of them. To be a burgess of the City of London is thought to be a great honor, and upon princes is it sometimes conferred; but, we shall have the highest honor that can be given, when we shall be citizens of the city which God has prepared. She became after that a woman eminent for piety walking in the fear of God. Methinks, that by what he has prepared for them, we may judge how he esteems and loves them--estimating them by what he means them to be, rather than by what they appear to be at present. And what know I of the journey? Rahab's faith was a SANCTIFYING FAITH. Faith is to be exercised upon the promises; for there its sweetest business lies. If the Lord be God, he must be infallible; and if he can be described as in error in the little respects of human history and science, he cannot be trusted in the greater matters. Some of us are by constitution inclined to that condition. It is very interesting to read about their faithfulness, and the faith that they had. Each man's calling may seem to him to be more full of temptation than his fellow's. If they have such a separating, salutary, sanctifying influence upon our heart, and effect upon our character, in keeping us from the world, let us cultivate them much. There shall be delightful intercourse. He intends that the faith which he gives should have its test, and should glorify his name. Said he, "I have no keys." Was it gambling? (1). I am sure it has been so with you. Well, then, you have your wish, here is the call in black and white; and I do but speak according to common sense when I say that if the Lord's call to you be written in the Bible, and it certainly is, you do not speak truth when you say, "I would listen to it if it were spoken, but I cannot listen to it because it is written." Noah had not a careless fear, as some here have. And remember, you can only know how great a thing faith is by knowing the infinite value of the salvation of a soul. They have stronger, sharper, and more vehement desires, for they have a nobler life within them, and they desire a better country, and even if they get entangled for awhile in this country, and in a certain measure identified with citizens of it, they are ill at ease--their citizenship is in heaven, and they cannot rest anywhere but there. Faith alone can confirm feeble knees. God honoured his faith, and he condemned the world. Here, indeed, all our strength must come to us by faith in the thrice-holy God. We cannot think that religion can be true if such a man is a hypocrite. As gold is to the inferior metals, such is our trust in God to all our other trusts. They called his warning "an old wives' fable," and he himself was "an old fossil." I am sure it has been so with me, with you, with all my kinsfolk in Christ, and with all my yokefellows in his service. Although he may not reach the heights of ambition, nor stand upon the giddy crags of presumption, yet he shall know superior joys. There is a sort of faith which does run well, but it is soon hindered, and it doth not obey the truth. When I think of the strength of divine grace, I do not marvel that saints should persevere; but, when I remember the weakness of their nature, it seems a miracle of miracles that there should be one Christian in the world who could maintain his steadfastness for a single hour. May I pass the question round these galleries, and put it to you also in this vast area? It seems too, in the text, that God looks to what he had prepared for these poor people. Yet, remember that the obedience which comes of true faith is often bound to be altogether unreckoning and implicit ; for it is written, "He went out, not knowing whither he went." The words of the Lord are like fine gold, pure, precious, and weighty not ono of them may be neglected. If they had been, they would not have required faith in God; but being men of like passions with ourselves, they needed to trust in the Lord, and they did so. I will withdraw the question as directed to you, and I will ask it of myself: Have I that faith which leads me to obey my God? What comes out of our life's course must remain with the Lord; to obey is our sole concern. God declared him righteous; not righteous by his works, although his works, following upon his faith, proved him to be righteous; but righteous by his faith. For instance, how often have professors, when they have prospered, found opportunities to return? For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God." (Hebrews 11:8-10). "Why, it is ridiculous. And the man was not far from right. God has prospered you, and you have said, "Oh! Have you faith? And I know that come prosperity or come adversity, come sickness or come wealth, come foe, come friend, come popularity, or come contempt, his purpose shall be worked out, and that purpose shall be pure, unmingled good to every blood-bought heir of mercy on whom his heart is set. Opportunities to return you have now, but ah! He does not like to say, "That is my relation," or "That is my brother." "Thou hast kept the best wine until now." We are not our own, we are bought with a price. I mean this Dare you begin to think for yourself? Whatever we may find in this world, we shall never find a heaven here. This is too much neglected nowadays; and yet it is the most profitable of all holy service, and the hope of the future. We sometimes put blinkers upon horses that they may not see too much, I fear we might wear such things ourselves to great advantage. First, then, he had a call. Perhaps it did when you were dead in sin. I don't know how else it is you make your religion square with itself, and be at all consistent. There is a good tale told of an old man whose minister used to read. "Many are called, but few are chosen." If in this life only you had hope, you would be of all men most miserable; but having that hope, you are among men most happy. First consider THE KIND OF FAITH WHICH PRODUCES OBEDIENCE. There is a sort of faith which doth run well for a while, but it is soon ended, and it doth not obey the truth. Some one asked Alexander to what he owed his conquests, and he said, "I have conquered because I never delayed." It is because you are the descendants, the spiritual descendants, of the patriarchs. It were quite a new thing in warfare to hear of men taking a city by blowing rams' horns." "Yes," says one, "I own that it is an urgent service to make known to others what the Lord has done for me: but, somehow, I cannot discharge my conscience by fully doing as I would. Hebrews 6:10. Separation from the world will endear you to the Savior, and bring you into conscious enjoyment of his presence; but, of opportunities to return there is no lack. We will take our last journey, and we will not fear to take it, for God is our refuge and strength, our helper in the hour of trouble and of death. "Nay, my Lord," they would reply, "do not put me off with these biding presents; feed me not upon these husks. cells in an azure synapse studio notebook can be reordered without copying and pasting the contents. 433. Noah had a very humble distrust of himself. They simply blow a number of rams' horns; her neighbors say, "Why, Rahab, you do not mean to say you believe now? "He hath prepared for them a city." If God had commanded him to ford the Atlantic, Abraham would have obeyed. But you can do nothing aright for others without faith in God for yourself and them. We must keep back none, but follow the Lord wholly; let this be your song, "Through floods and flames, if Jesus lead, I'll follow where he goes, 'Hinder me not,' shall be my cry, Though earth and hell oppose.". Now, my good woman, don't you see the absurdity of this thing? I have had to mourn over Christian men--at least I thought they were--who have grown very poor, and when they have grown poor they hardly felt they could associate with those whom they knew in better circumstances. Beneath him lay the villages, sleeping in their beauty, with the corn-fields motionless in the sunshine; but he did not look at them, for his attention was arrested by a woman standing at her door, and who, upon seeing him, came up to him with the greatest anxiety, and said, "O sir, have you any keys about you? Christians must swim against the stream. So the text says, "Wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God." But where lay their greatness? Only he bids us also pray, "Deliver us from evil." And said a minister at the table, "I had an instance of that yesterday. Abraham's Prompt Obedience to the Call of God, Delivered on Lord's-Day Morning, June 27th, 1875, by. IN ALMOST every capital of Europe there are varieties of triumphal arches or columns, upon which are recorded the valiant deeds of the country's generals, its emperors, or its monarchs. Heb 13:20, 21. The timid Israelites would always have been afraid that Pharaoh would follow them and capture them; but when the forces of Egypt and all her chosen captains were drowned beneath the waves, all fear of them was gone for ever. By nature we love our own will and way; and it goes against the grain for us to bring ourselves into such complete subjection as the law of the Lord requires. He had not a servile fear: he was not afraid of God as a culprit is afraid of a judge, or a convict of the hangman. If we have faith in God, we shall bless our children, as Isaac and Jacob blessed their sons. How long shall unbelief lodge within you and grieve the Holy Spirit? Read online Christ Superior To Angels Moses And Aaron A Comment On The Epistle To The Hebrews ebook anywhere anytime directly on your device. After this manner these opportunities to return may serve us a good purpose: they prove our faith, while they try our character; thus helping us to see whether we are indeed the Lord's or not. She, and she alone was delivered, a solitary one among a multitude. It is opposed to carnal sight because it is spiritual sight; a discernment which comes not of the body, but . Ah! To begin with: FAITH MAKES MEN STRONG FOR HOLY DOING. The apostle tells us, however, that they were not forced so to continue; they did not remain because they could not return. Prospered, found opportunities to return you have now, but few are chosen. each man 's calling seem... If such a man is a very important part of Christian life, and careful to remain so called... 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