how many times do we reincarnate

They might be shown pictures of houses and asked to pick the one their previous personality lived in. It's like learning how to ride a bike. 517 Comments. These past lives and past selves we tend to identify with as extensions of ourselves and our egos. Let me explain why. The dream of Devachan lasts until Karma is satisfied in that direction, until the ripple of force reaches the edge of its cyclic basin and the being moves into the next area of causes., Master K.H., Notes on Devachan, Theosophical Articles and Notes, p. 242, The stay in Devachan is proportionate to the unexhausted psychic impulses originating in earth life. Get the help you need from a therapist near youa FREE service from Psychology Today. Since being born as a human is such a rare opportunity, you should make the most of this human life and dedicate your whole life to doing good things, acquiring knowledge, helping others, serving. This degree of study is like everything else, a matter of choice. If the Supreme wants them to come back to earth, they have to come back even if they do not want to. Many souls consider the earth the "wild west" of the Universe and dash through their incarnations rather quickly. Reincarnation is the principle foundation in several religions across the world, including Hinduism and Buddhism. Its that bizarre feeling that somehow we have already experienced or lived a moment in time before. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. He has been a Michael student since 1996 and began channeling as a tool for spiritual enrichment. Usually there is a period of several . So although it is not necessarily you or me who has experienced reincarnation and past lives, the ever-present soulful essence within us has. Good souls go to heaven, while bad souls end up in hell! As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases, this means whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on this website, we receive a small percentage of its price at no extra cost to you. According to this belief, all living . Young children, however, occasionally retain memories of their most recent past life, although these remnants dip below the surface of consciousness as the new lifetime takes greater precedence. For example, he loves to watch old movies and listen to big band music from the '40s and '50s. All Rights Reserved. I feel that its more like that because I love the nature on this planet, so I guess I love the planet too. Some souls draw with crayons inside the lines, some souls draw well beyond the lines. Is there any value in being singled out and shamed for karma committed in a past life? Past-life experiences. The problem with suicide -- although it is a choice -- is that the act itself belies the original intentions of essence. It ultimately creates more problems than it solves. Have you ever walked into a place that you've never been to but feel like there is something oddly familiar about it? Clearly, this type of thinking will appeal to almost no-one in the modern world but can deter many from Theosophy. Comment below! A life following a suicide normally cuts to the chase, encountering the same challenges and setbacks that prompted the suicide in the first place. If it is an elevated soul, will it incarnate sooner? Intuition is the ability to balance the conscious and unconscious mind and to tap into our deeper wellsprings of primal wisdom and innate knowledge. Start here . There are many cases of young children who report very specific details of an apparent past life, which are later verified. In Kelly, E & Marshall, P. Not only that, but some of us have experienced extraordinary feelings, memories and sensations that point to the legitimacy of such a mysterious experience. Typically, between the age of 2 and 4 (with a mean age of 35 months) such children start talking about their previous life, often speaking about the events that led up to their death, and sometimes. Conversely, one shopper might buy the same flavor of ice cream at the store, whereas another might search for every possible flavor he can find. Until we've learned it (by heart) and graduated. King of an ancient kingdom killing a lion. This spin-off, to borrow a term from your popular culture, is a purer aspect of essence that doesn't dangle remnants of the collective memory into waking consciousness. When this energetic imbalance is created between two souls (or in some cases, multiple souls) the scale needs to be rebalanced. Although we should point out that concurrents are usually not positioned in such close proximity, nor do we envision essence sadistically sending four concurrents to their death on a medieval battlefield. A final word. Retrocognition is the opposite of the above precognition, and refers to the ability to obtain information not usually available about past events. In the same manner, Souls that have reincarnated many times over express this basic need for finally completing the cycle and returning home. In several places in the Theosophical literature it is implied that the average person does not usually reincarnate until approximately 1,000 to 1,500 years have passed and that the soul may even stay in the Devachanic state for several thousand years before being reincarnated. What connects it all is a shared resonance. It's not the lack of evidence. I would also add one more correction to certain teachings: souls do not normally reincarnate instantly after death. The changing dynamics between overleaves is a real game changer. Take this quiz and find out how many instances of reincarnation you have experienced! The deployment of a high number of concurrents (or simultaneous lives) is more likely with souls that choose to be journeyman of a particular cycle on a planet, and this includes more time serving as spirit guides. reincarnation, also called transmigration or metempsychosis, in religion and philosophy, rebirth of the aspect of an individual that persists after bodily deathwhether it be consciousness, mind, the soul, or some other entityin one or more successive existences. I've included links to both topic-oriented sites and specific articles. Consciousness is not as important in this sense as the overall resonance involved. And even most post-internet cases relate to obscure ordinary people, whose lives are not recorded in great detail. Perhaps this is why to many of us reincarnation is something intuitive, something that resonates the very nature, the very essence of life. To truly understand something, to truly make it your own, one must see it through the eyes of others with different points of view. Very rarely will you see a great figure in any field who will take incarnation again very soon. Bowman is a renown past life therapist and reincarnation researcher. The only course requirement is that the soul completes the experiential levels of the five soul age stages and the accompanying internal monads. 99 Days 99 Channels - Video 36Here is a most complete education on reincarnation - the Buddhist belief that a soul returns to live on Earth many times to lea. In fact, the astounding population increase over the last century with the worlds population rising by nearly SIX BILLION within just 120 years! WHY do you keep incarnating? I hope, if anything, this article could offer you another doorway of explanation for what you experience in life. The experience of feeling older than your age reflects is commonly associated with having reincarnated many times over and this is echoed in the Soul Age theory where there is a certain progression of soulful development: from Infant Souls, to Awakened Souls. A convincing argument for a scientific look at Stevenson's work about the past life memories of children. The spiritual make-up of these multiple forms are the same. On average, most people incarnate a hundred times during a grand cycle. We are here for a reason. As I have now done with several other spiritual topics, I asked the Michael Entity for their thoughts about reincarnation. Research has shown that normally the childrens reported previous lives ended prematurely and unnaturally, often involving violence, suicide, or an accident. Most systems today lead you in the exact opposite direction and their teachings actually keep you tied to the material world.Join me LIVE as we discuss the reincarnation process and take apart all the lies new age gurus spread about reincarnation. A better term would be coalescence. Clients in past life regressions could conceivably tap into previous cycles on another planet, especially if there is a thematic link to the current lifetime. About all he will have are those originated in childhood before he began to fix his thoughts on materialistic thinking. In the ongoing expansion of the Tao's desire to grow in awareness, a creative process exists that divides all-knowingness into unlimited copies of itself. He therefore who has not in life originated many psychic impulses will have but little basis or force in his essential nature to keep his higher principles indevachan. A primer on traits that most people reject but some embrace. If it's not it can die. Suppose somebody dies prematurely in an accident. In a familial sense, essence resonates like a parental figure to the fragment, and the parent/child bond is strong and compelling. In the list of recommended resources below, I've weeded out the generic contributions and outlined the best candidates for further exploration. One of the most intrinsic beliefs of reincarnation is that most of us have lived many lives before, and sometimes we can actually remember these past lives. Reincarnation is the rebirth of a soul into a new body, often with the person carrying little or no memories of past lives. Repayment does not need to be in the form of an eye for an eye. A prerequisite of growth does not need to include suffering, and learning to differentiate between choices that lead to suffering and choices that lead to joy is one of the most important lessons that can be learned on the physical plane. In light of this, the vast population increase over the last century can only mean one thing: that the majority of souls are now reincarnating far sooner. There is a purpose for the. This should never be taken lightly. Blog inspired by Sri Chinmoy. It is the souls own decision, plus the approval of the Supreme, that determines how long it takes for a person to reincarnate. Theosophy teaches clearly that the number of human souls connected with our planet is a fixed and definite number and also that since the now far distant middle point of the era of Atlantis or what is termed the Fourth Root Race, it has not been possible for any of the entities currently evolving within the animal kingdom or any other kingdom of Nature to enter the human kingdom. Thus, reincarnation is a pathway that allows the human soul to continually evolve. Reincarnation adds needed dimensions through collective experience. Although our identities and senses of self are ever-changing, there is something that remains the same. This, we are taught, depends on the degree of spirituality and the merit or demerit of the last incarnation., H. P. Blavatsky, The Key to Theosophy, p. 145, It is known that many persons emerge from the Devachanic state very soon after entering it. To help explain, after essence is cast from the Tao -- another example of mitosis at work, but on a grander scale -- essence divides into an identical version of itself that includes the same spiritual DNA. Imagine that your essence is a master playwright, let's say William Shakespeare. 16 votes, 27 comments. Of course, retrocognition unlike precognition is not easy to prove or verify, however, for those who have genuinely experienced it (and have been able to honestly verify it), this ability could also be a sign of soulful reincarnation. Any foray into who's out there speaking and writing about reincarnation will throw up the name Walter Semkiw, MD. There are different types of purpose, such as survival, personal-accumulative, and altruistic. When you first remove the putty from the container it is in its purest form and untainted by outside elements. Do you have strange or unexplainable fears? Eventually we reach the acme of our spiritual progress through God realization. But there is no hard and fast rule. They are independent but still function as a whole., That an essence fragment (now a full-blown essence) can later replicate itself after being recast from the Tao is just a logical extension of an evolutionary impulse that affects all sentient life. I don't see reincarnation as a progression. All in all, this evidence makes me feel that I have no choice but to accept that reincarnation is real. Have you ever had the feeling that you lived before? Over many lifetimes, the soul may take actions that dramatically impede the choices of others, demolishing pre-incarnational agreements, life plans, and the choice of free will. Have any thoughts to share? B. We reincarnate until the soul is strong enough to be able to accept immortality. A gradual attunement occurs over time as a new soul, usually in devic form, adapts to the demands of the new system. With Tuckers help, other statements were verified from sources such as public records at national archives, newspapers, obituaries, travel documents, and census reports. Rabbi Isaac Luria (known as the Arizal) explains that the soul is comprised of 613 channels, which parallel the 248 limbs and 365 blood vessels of the human body. Support on Patreon and get access to our SECRET weekly livestreams at The soul would not be properly configured for that system. Three reasons religion may be good for us (and a few reasons it might not be). These expressions workin alliance with essence and under their own volition.It's not the multiplication that's important but the creative expression in the act. Following a suicide, a soul understands the imbalance that was created and works quickly in the next lifetime to right the ship. Let go of hurts, anger slowly, and laugh a lot. It doesn't matter. You get to decide if, when, and to whom you incarnate. It is clear, then, that a lowered tone of thought and feeling on the part of a community will shorten the average mass Devachan; and for many ages just such a shortening has been proceeding.. At this point the soul can remain in the bliss of nirvana. As you roll the putty over your Sunday's funny pages, it absorbs the exact colors and outline of the cartoon. Others relish the opportunity for adventure and prefer a more thorough experience that only a higher number of lifetimes can provide. and our Surviving death. is quite sufficient to indicate that it is no longer the average at all and that many souls are reincarnating far sooner and far more quickly nowadays than they did 100 years ago. Dont be shy. Learn more about Hyperianism by reading my free ebook at https://www.iamhyperian.comFollow Morgue: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: If you feel older than your age reflects you might be a Mature or Old Soul. As stated before, an Incarnational cycle runs from beginning to end. Steve Taylor, Ph.D., is senior lecturer in psychology at Leeds Beckett University. It is said that the more we soulfully mature, the more we are closer to returning to the source (known also as nirvana, eternity, oneness) from which our Souls come from, and from which the collective unconscious a body of universal knowledge exists. Psychology Today 2023 Sussex Publishers, LLC. To illustrate, each character perceives the unfolding drama on stage with a unique perspective. From the standpoint of essence, that means reincarnation. So for that point of time in human history this was the average but there is no reason to assume that it is still the average or that it is permanently fixed. Part of the confusion surrounds the distinctions between how essence differs from its fragments that incarnate in the physical. Blavatsky, Who are you, Madame Blavatsky?, Gandhi on Blavatsky and Theosophy, Who was William Quan Judge?, My Law Theosophy in a Poem, The Closing of the Door into the Human Kingdom, and Reincarnation and Christianity. They will make themselves known and are usually quite noticeable if one is observant and sufficiently self-aware. Modern researchers meticulously check the accuracy of childrens accounts, analyzing any possibility that they gained information through more mundane ways or were fantasizing, or that their parents may be embellishing their stories. What do you think happens to the soul of a person after death? Consciousness grows and evolves through these energetic formations. The following passage was taken from Sri Chinmoys book entitled Death and Reincarnation: Question: Is the length of time the soul remains in the souls world between incarnations determined by the aspiration of the previous incarnation? If you have found any comfort, support or guidance in our work, please consider donating: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I'd like to receive your latest weekly newsletter! Ian Stevenson's Case For The Afterlife (from Scientific American) and the Master M. in letters that They wrote to A. P. Sinnett and later repeated in various writings of H. P. Blavatsky, William Q. The cells in the human body, for instance, number in the trillions. Everything is a matter of self-created destiny. It would seem, as far as we can currently deduce, that the main reason for the population increase is the increase of tanha and decrease of spirituality in human life, due to many individuals having fallen prey to materialistic and sense-driven thought. When essence collects another past life, for instance, the entire body of essence experiences it because -- and we'll repeat ourselves again -- they ARE essence. He talked about dancing on Broadway and living in a house with a large swimming pool. Which of these places are you most likely to volunteer at? When I was 3 I also had an imaginary friend named Miko who was from Vietnam, Im not sure weither maybe I had been in Vietnam and had a friend named Miko or perhaps he was a ghost Im not sure but at 3 years oldRead more . Be the first to leave a comment. It is said that having a great, unexplainable attraction for certain cultures or time periods is a kind of past life residue reminiscent of a certain place, culture or environment that your soul may have experienced in past lives. Certain life experiences are tossed aside in favor of others, and at some point the spark becomes a magnet to the kinds of experience it prefers to focus on. However, in the vast majority of cases, the previous personality was someone completely unknown to the family who lived far away from them. But if your aspiration and Gods necessity become one, then certainly you can come back. In certain cases, spiritual Masters wait a hundred or two hundred years before reincarnating. 3. Please don't be a jerk. Thus, the coding ofSpiritualDNAis not genetic so much as it is experiential., Does this mean that an incarnation can inherit theDNAof a previous incarnation?, The encoding from essence to personality -- that is, the process that transfers TAO-stuff -- is always the same. How many lifetimes have you had? Debra Driscoll, Spiritual Teacher and Founder of Big Life Magic. This expansion and contraction of the Tao is all by design. The idea of reincarnation never sat particularly well with me. ReincarnationAn Opportunity to Make Spiritual Progress Reincarnation also gives us the opportunity to gradually evolve spiritually through the various valuable experiences we acquire in our different incarnations. [deleted] 8 mo. Many reasons exist why students have a high percentage of past lives. Once the incarnational cycle has started, a soul would not jump to another galaxy mid-stream and incarnate into the body of an alien. Upon return to the astral, the fragment soon realizes that they are part of something greater, and quite often the mere thought alone returns them to their original self. For example, it was confirmed that Marty Martyn was once a tap dancer, that he ran a talent agency that changed peoples names, that he had several wives, that his favorite restaurant was in Chinatown, that he spent a lot of time in Paris, that he had a large collection of sunglasses, that he bought his daughter a dog when she was 6, and so on. It is this very pure awareness which serves as the experiencer and observer of life, and it is this pure awareness that we can refer to as our Soul This understanding of reincarnation closely resembles that of the Buddhist idea that the continuity continues, but the individual disappears. Once again, these sub-personalities are all parts of essence. The truth in the end is, it depends on your beliefs. Unresolved experiences often bubble to the surface of consciousness for reprocessing during a lifetime. IF YOU ENJOYED THIS ARTICLE PLEASE LINK TO IT. In almost three-quarters of cases, the previous personality (in the term coined by Stevenson) died relatively young. If, however, your soulful energy has reincarnated many times over, you will display many matured and wizened characteristics (such as the ones mentioned in this article). For instance, you may have an inexplicable affinity to Asian culture, Celtic artifacts, or the 19th century. How many lifetimes have you had? The new soul, a fragment of essence as essence is a fragment of the Tao, is essentially a version of essence incarnating with a blank slate -- although the replicated spiritual DNA allows the new personality access to learned skills, latent talents, and other predilections from the previous lives of essence. The cycle continues for thousands of years, with the soul gradually gaining wisdom and experience over the journey. To put it succinctly, there are no distinctions. This is one you must see.BEST WAYS TO SUPPORT:1. No experience is inherently wrong and there is something to learn from every experience. Some statements had already been verified by his mother. What Type of Person Would Agree to Have Sex With a Stranger? Narcissistic behavior often begins in childhood as a form of self-defense against feeling unloved. Reincarnate until the soul would not jump to another galaxy mid-stream and incarnate into the body of eye... Cycle runs from beginning to end nearly SIX BILLION within just 120 years resonance.. By outside elements who report very specific details of an eye access to our SECRET weekly livestreams https... In Psychology at Leeds Beckett University details of an alien of past lives and past lives, ever-present... 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