legend of dragoon walkthrough disc 4

Choose which slot you want to save in, then press X. From there, take the left teleporter. Dart's telekinetic powers guide the boat outside. You may also want to make sure he and your other characters have strong Additions equipped. Head north to fight Michael. Then go into the building just to the right of the inn. If you use these, be sure to have Rose do so. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 67 Hours to obtain 100% completion. This can get to be a lot of fun. However, be sure to watch his health, as he will be taking double damage from all the Water-based attacks the Last Kraken throws. Boss: Death Rose (Void) This means that one character will be spared damage unless the attack is directed at Dart. Language ; En . Follow the teleporter. Indora doesn't use any magic attacks against Kongol, which is very fortunate. This is a brief guide to help you figure out how to successfully open the chest and get the items you want. If you have Shana in your party, use her for some Attack Items. Eventually, go talk to Kayla and tell her you're ready to board. Each character as their own set of weapons: Dart's Weapons, Shana's and Miranda's Weapons, Lavitz's and Albert's Weapons, Rose's Weapons, Haschel's Weapons, Meru's Weapons, Kongol's Weapons. Lloyd uses so many magic attacks that you will want some more magically-minded characters, like Rose, Miranda, or Meru. He receives a gift from Lavitz for joining the party and goes on to be one of the most influential of all the characters. Be sure to choose to go to Aglis. Head out of this cave, then go up, right, up, left, up, and up. Check the sparkle for White Silver DS Armor, heal at the pool of water, and continue, past another fruit. Give your heaviest physical attacker (probably either Lavitz or Rose) a Power Wrist. After he leaves, follow him to the right. He likes to use Burning Waves and Down Bursts, so watch out for Kongol in this battle. This side quest takes place in Fort Magrad in the Snowfield, by going down the slide on the left in the last area. These options are discussed in depth later. These are the only places (besides the World Map) that you can save. Continue up and leave the Nest. Go up the stairs and up the ladder, where you find two statues, one gold and one silver. Special thanks to Ouroboroseamus for pointing that out to me! Option 1: Go up the stairs and to the left. "Discard" shows a list of all your items, both weapons/armor and battle/healing items. Their importance grows with the game, and with their difficulty. The 20 indicates how many times the Addition must be completed to reach its next level. If you spent extra time training, this battle can actually be very easy, albeit long. Caterpillar. The first listed gets you some experience through an extra boss battle, and the other gets you some very useful items. Otherwise, use your Accessories slots to boost physical attacks. He's also very slow, but Bandit's Shoes or a Bandit's Ring are great for that. Focus on Albert's strong physical attacks and Haschel's quick physical attacks. Jump into the sandfall to the south to get the Bandit's Shoes. "Legend of Dragoon" lives up to those words by surpassing both FF's in storyline, gameplay, sound, and graphics. Training Tip: Now is a good time to train since you finally have all seven party members, a save point, and Rock Fireflies. This Super Virage only has a certain amount of time until the battle is ultimately over. Meru makes an excellent defensive player for this battle because of her Blue Sea DS Armor negating the Water-type damage. Continue right to the next area. His attacks work the same as before, but more powerful now. If you have Bone Crush mastered, that's your best bet. Disc four begins in the Death Frontier. For a list of items, see here. Go to the left again to find the exit to this cell block. I haven't yet decided if this is a good thing or a bad thing, although it may be a godsend if you are really struggling and need that healing. (Kongol, as an exception, does not gain any new magic on level 2.). Regole's spirit uses both physical attacks and water-based magic. After you damage his health a certain amount, he puts up a Magic Shield, nullifying all magic attacks. My bottom line is: use the characters with the lowest attack to use healing items. If you are looking for instructions on the Chest Mini-Game on the Phantom Ship, see here. He has one physical attack which is virtually useless against Kongol, Dart and Albert. A report comes in that the Seventh Fort is under attack by the dragon and the party decide to confront it as Dragoons. She was abandoned by both her parents when she was very young, and Queen Theresa adopted her. Take the lower-right exit to get a Wargod Calling. Mostly be careful with Dart in this battle, because he will take extra Water damage from the giant wave attack Regole uses. Last time I fought this battle, I combined a Power Down with Albert's Gaspless attack and did almost 4,000 damage. Boss: Syuveil (Wind) You get a Golden Stone. The party has a heartwarming reunion before Dart goes to speak to Shana (she's in the room upstairs closer to the front of the screen). If this happens, either use a Mind Purifier or use a Dragoon Special to reverse it. This guide leads you around the towers in this order, to the left of the entrance. (Special thanks to Spencer K. for pointing this hidden chest out to me!) There are 4 Stardust in Chapter 4: Moon and Fate. If you are using low-HP members like Meru or Rose, a Physical Ring or Therapy Ring might be very helpful. Items: Sun Rhapsody, Moon Serenade An appearance by Princess Emille stops the party. On the left is a chest with the Armor of Yore, and on the right is a Panic Bell. But if you really feel like trying it out, check out my guide here. Kongol has a very high physical attack and defense, but he is weak to magic. If you have high-level Dragoons, the beginning of the battle is the time to use them. Entering Donau triggers some conversation and an interesting Lloyd confrontation. Most of Fire Bird's attacks will deal half damage to Dart because they are Fire-based. My regular squad is Albert and Rose, but you may have different opinions. If it reaches one-fourth, it will turn red. Head back to Bale, but first head left for a Flash Hall. Navigating through to the Legislative Center takes you past several guards. In fact, a Talisman is a central part of my main strategy for fighting Lloyd, and even makes the battle a little easier. Chapter 3 focuses less on personal histories and more on the main plotline. E. The only attacks the Virage will have left are stomping with its foot (single weak physical attack) or using its laser beam (powerful single magic attack). Added extra information about minor enemies, found within the walkthrough and in the list at the end. Now leave. This combination should deal some decent damage. Going primarily offensive is generally the way to go unless you're up against a particularly difficult boss (like Emperor Doel, the Grand Jewel, the Divine Dragon, etc.) After this fight and the ensuing cinemas, you'll have a bit of interesting conversation and you will gain the Dragon Buster sword. It is much easier than the Grand Jewel as well, especially if you have been training well. If you need more help hitting the Additions just right, a small X button on the right of the screen goes down just before you need to hit it, to give you adequate reaction time. After the battle and the conversation, Haschel opens the path and you are free to continue. Continue forward, and jump into the "vital stream" to go toward the top of the Tree. When it reaches 100 (a full bar), the number to the right will say "1." Watch the Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny trailer for the upcoming Indiana Jones movie, opening in theaters on June 30, 2023.Harrison Ford returns as the legendary hero archaeologist in the highly anticipated fifth installment in the iconic Indiana Jones movie franchise. There is only a certain chance you may receive this item. Afterwards, leave town. After meeting with the mayor, the party is asked to save a boy named Teo from the wolf and bring him home. Items: Flash Hall, 200G, Gravity Grabber, Spirit Cloak, Down Burst, Frozen Jet, Burning Wave, Spectral Flash, Night Raid, Rainbow Dress Afterwards, feel free to leave town. The "Vibrate" option lets you turn on or off the controller vibration. Assuming you have leveled up some of Haschel's more powerful Additions, his attack should also serve you well. Of course, you need not follow my advice to beat the game, but this strategy has proven most effective for me. The one nearest the entrance leads to a Healing Breeze. I feel this is most representative as a baseline for battle difficulty. Go up into the Chamber of the Sun. Fear can also affect a Minor Enemy, and does so in the same way. Also, he isn't weak to any magic type, which can come in handy sometimes. At the fork, take a right. Then grab the second necessary chest with a Blue Stone. The "Sound" option lets you choose the way you want to have the sound come out of your speakers. In addition, using a Sage's Cloak will go a long way in this battle. Go through the doorway and down the slide. She's very strong magically but extremely weak against physical attacks. Don't forget to, at some point, whip out all the Repeat Items that you've been collecting over this game. However, with those powerful (and numerous) magic attacks, you will need to watch his health as well as Dart's. Between each battle, you are given an opportunity to save (the save point is to the left of the registration desk). Personally, the Windigo has never been alive long enough for me to test this theory, but I believe after about 3 times the Windigo dies, regardless of its remaining HP. If you have any Talismans equipped to your characters, this will not be as much of a problem. This is signified by hearts floating around the affected person and can be cured with a Mind Purifier. Afterwards, go up and to the right for a chest with a Sachet. Try to keep one, or even two, characters in human form (not Dragoon) for the duration of the battle. Boss: Dragon Spirit (Wind) Head south until you reach the fort-like town of Hoax. Go right and up the stairs, then check the "dead" one for another Stardust. The strategy is simple: when your character is low on health, use a healing item to heal them. Note: Although you can come back to fake Bale anytime between now and the final battle, this guide does not lead you back here at any time. After that, you can save at the inn if you'd like, but I recommend not staying there to heal up because you'll get yourself a free night later, and I'm always looking for ways to save money because I am notoriously stingy. Take either of the two teleporters, and then the one to the left. When a character gets a Dragoon Spirit, a little bar will appear in battle at the very bottom of the screen under their name. When in Bale for the first time, you'll run into a woman named Martel, who asks you to collect them for her. Training Tip: Having access to a free recovery point, an item shop, and a save point, this makes for an optimal training ground. The path to the left leads to a Recovery Ball. The R2 and L2 buttons zoom in and out when you're on the World Map, and the R2 changes the direction of the camera in battle. To get it reconnected, go back through the law-making process, using the code 410 to revise this law and open access. To the front is the item shop (which can only be accessed from the boat). Shops: Weapons, Items. Version 2.2.7: Fixed an issue with the Addition charts, updated the Death Frontier map, made the Dragoon magic chart more mobile-friendly, edited some information on item charts, tweaked boss HP's, added less common item drops for bosses, and fixed some issues with minor enemy charts. Save before you enter. Leave and go north. Platforms: PlayStation, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 Developer: SCEI Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment NA: June 11, 2000 EU: Each round that he wields it, he will lose 1/10 his maximum health, as if he is Poisoned. I recommend starting with the two soldiers the Commander brought to the party and using a Healing Potion if Dart's health gets too low. On the earlier levels, you have enough attempts to waste a couple to see which digits are included. Bewitchment is just like being confused, except that when you kill the enemy that cast the spell, it wears off. In this case, I recommend destroying the arms again before moving on. If you fall, you have to go back upstairs in the house and across the roof. Unfortunately, every attack is a magic attack, and the Grand Jewel has a high magic attack. The fourth doorway leads to a Spirit Potion. Last time I fought this battle, I actually found this phase to be incredibly easy (although that does not mean it will be for you). Because Doel focuses so much on magic attacks, Albert is at a distinct disadvantage in this battle; be sure to watch for his health. This is highly unlikely, however. If you brought in magic experts like Miranda, throw out those Attack Items, especially any Water-Based Attack Items. To the left is a Bravery Amulet. Beware of Miranda's health in this battle, because Syuveil's D-Attack will do quite a bit of damage to her. So then, attack the Archangel with simple Additions as long as you can. Doing so will do heavy damage to Kongol and probably end the battle very quickly. Be sure to use the characters you plan to use for the final boss battle of the area (Miranda and Albert recommended). Choosing Attack simply attacks the chosen enemy physically with an Addition (or in Shana's case, a bow and arrow). Get the chest with a Burn Out and continue until the party takes shelter in a cave, where they talk about important things. To the right is a chest containing a Sparkle Arrow. The party suggests that either Kaffi or Nello might have some info, but neither of these things is true. Now hop across and get the chest ("There's nothing in here, don't you get it!?"). You are forced to fight the two Hellena Wardens first. Leveling up once before moving on may be helpful. Check the other ones near the stairs for another (6) Stardust. Go back down and get off at the second stop this time. A secret passage will open. Stardust Locations & Guide Disc 1. Press X to get out of sight, and then Dart jumps into the wagon to enter the prison undetected. You'll find the soul of Regole, another optional battle. After a time, the Urobulus slithers up into the rock where it cannot be hit with melee attacks. Part 2: Go through Teleporter 2. If the garbage man sees Dart, he somehow thinks he is a small rodent and dumps all the trash. Continue through the men to the next, fight the guards, and go north if you want to re-stock on items. Emperor Doel is waiting on his throne, a little bit power-crazy and ready to kill the entire party. Typically, characters that are lower in some areas will be higher in others, and there are always various pieces of Armor (especially Accessories) that you can give them to balance this out. Give Albert items to boost his magic defense, like maybe a Spiritual Ring, and perhaps some Bandit's Shoes. He offers to sell you some spirits, and you want to buy them. This would be an excellent place to train, especially since there is a save point further along. Training Tip: My last training tip is that this is an excellent time to prepare for the final battle through rigorous training. For the party members without a Talisman, be sure to equip them with their Additions with the highest DAM%. These final Additions can only be accessed if all other Additions before it have been mastered - that is, completed 80 times total. In the next screen, take the teleporter. Go to the port in the back of the city and speak to Commodore Puler. The thing that will help you more than anything else is some Legend Casques. Rose will finally have to break down and tell you his weakness. There is also a different menu in battle: the Dragoon menu, consisting of solely two options: Attack and Magic. Consistent attacking combined with several Spear Frosts thrown by either Rose or Shana will do the trick nicely. When you are ready, go back up to where Kongol is and open a hidden chest just outside the door behind a pillar at the top of the path. In the throne room, the party discovers that Lloyd has taken Queen Theresa to Flanvel Tower in the Kashua Glacier. (See characters' individual stats for more information.). I can usually pinpoint which one is real based on the attack that he uses. Afterwards, take the boat to Pete's house and climb around and into the cave. This number signifies how many turns your character would stay a Dragoon, if you changed right now. Note: Again, it is not recommended that you fight this upcoming battle without the protection of at least two Legend Casques. For example, it would be better to equip a Level 5 Volcano than a Level 3 Burning Rush, even if you're trying to level it. Revised most of the written content. SP (Spirit Points) is gained through Additions (see info below). Be careful with Shana in this battle as well, because her low defense and HP make for some difficult times. If you got the Bastard Sword in the Limestone Cave and the Sparkle Arrow in the dungeons of the castle, you won't need to buy those. Watch out for Kongol in this case, a physical Ring or Therapy Ring might be very helpful damage. Where it can not be hit with melee attacks necessary chest with a Mind or! Armor negating the Water-type damage because of her Blue Sea DS Armor, heal at the of! Proven most effective for me Legislative Center takes you past several guards long way in this battle city. And graphics Special thanks to Ouroboroseamus for pointing that out to me legend of dragoon walkthrough disc 4 game, neither... Lavitz or Rose ) a Power down with Albert 's strong physical attacks Dragoon '' lives up to those by! And one Silver the law-making process, using a Sage 's Cloak go! 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