pathfinder kingmaker kalikke romance

In total, there are 16 curses available to study in the game. Pathfinder Kingmaker Octavia Romance Brandon Hernandez 410 subscribers Subscribe 74 Share 14K views 1 year ago!/tid=. In order to get the BEST ending where you date both sisters, you must choose the NEUTRAL option to fight the Soul Eater. If you are romancing Kanerah and just shared time with her, you will need to leave the house and reenter before you can speak with her. ", (Neutral) "I'll let him continue his experiments, but only because you insist. We all know Pathfinder: Kingmaker has romances. Afterwards, pass the Kalikke bluff check to say "Give a hug to the baron", and then say "I'm perfectly comfortable. Further events develop as usual before meeting with the Lantern King in your throne room. 20 Kalikke probably wont get you any romance. And I will never leave you. However, the curse had a different effect on the Sisters. ", "About us Let's go back to how things were when we met. What do I do? Got it? I can't any more. Doesn't matter which of the agrees you pick (my LE chose "for profit"). It is necessary to return Briar to Nyrissa along with her ability to Love. A Matter of Principle is a quest in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Journal " Interesting things are happening. We'll find a way to deal with that devil.". Letting the Forefather live doesn't have any negative consequences so do whatever you want with him. It would be best if we end it. Contrary to popular opinion spread by video game journalist you do NOT need to do specific dialogues in the world (like Rushlight ones). One more thing - Bard's Tale IV: Barrows Deep is coming! During this period, the following meetings take place: 1. ", (Lawful Neutral) "So, the tyrant's henchmen! Stop fooling around, I need you. I would have never found the Technic League's encampment, if your beauty hadn't beaconed me! ", "Valerie, cool off. If you did everything right, such as doing the main quests immediately after getting them, you should have finished Valerie's romance and married her right after finishing the Rushlight Tournament. These guides are great. Go for it! Choose the CG "I hate jails". 13. This game really punishes monogamy. ", (Chaotic Good) "Trolls are sentient beings, not cattle to be bought and sold. Tell me the truth. No need to get my hands dirty. ", "I side with the kobolds and Chief Sootscale. There. And sometimes with some bonus key flags like marriage ones. We know that she was cursed, and the curse demanded of her to "turn Kingdoms to dust." ", "Yes, it's true. Then, I did the quest and talked to Valerie, I said "Listen to yourself", then "Valerie? Return to captial and say "I'm glad the scar is gone" to Valerie. Why is a kind god's servant working with bandits? Kanerah is the only one who will have sex with you in-game. You can also kill the worg and then kill some bandits who try to bribe you for more approval. ", [Requires Chaotic] "So you're just poor pariahs, cast away over a tiny flaw like the craving for human flesh? ", [Pull away] "After everything you've done to me, it's hard to believe you. I used romance counter after a lot of replies during the first quest , I think 21 is the maximum you can reach with kalike before the second quest ( a guy mentions it in this post as well ) The only dialogues up to the point I am that increase her counter is the hug joke and the " would not mind if . Accept his quest and say "I will go to the meeting point. This stage is crucial for obtaining the relationship necessary for The True Ending and mistakes at this stage can make it impossible to achieve it. If you were quick enough and found the tomb of Armag before the power of the sword has time to subjugate Armag, then in response to the question of what he will do, if we keep him alive, Armag will tell you how he could draw the power of the curse to his advantage. I'll make it up to you, I promise. I look forward to hearing your results. I'll smash you against the walls! Do the Forefather Companion quest. This guide is for dating Octavia alone, not the poly romance with her and Regongar, though some of this guide could help if you are trying to do the Octavia parts of the poly romance. Well versed in curses. ", Advance Octavia and Regongar Romance to Stage 2 and set their RomanceScore to 30. ", then "Examine whip", then "Detect magic(if you have this trait)", and the CN "But I'd like to participate in testing of this thingy. I then choose to take a piece of the flower, With Armag, I managed to reach him early and made him my blood brother. ", "Amalia looked at you very fondly, don't you think? ", (Neutral Evil) "Donations are always appreciated. You have a chance to prevent bloodshed, if you'll just lay down your weapons. It would be better for both of us. Your response doesn't matter. For Valerie, I managed to complete her romance with a Neutral Good character who sometimes made choices Valerie didn't approve of, so it probably delayed some scenes (I've heard some guy managed to sleep with Valerie during Season of Bloom, and Danaduchy's video had sex with Valerie occur when her scar is cured AKA long after when the scene is supposed to happen). It would be better for all three of us. A secret it is then. Building the relationship can be divided into several stages. You provoked that on purpose, didn't you?! Right now! -Compared to the other romances, they are pretty much the easiest. ", "You always try to find something in words that can't be described. They are Narlmarches, Lake Silverstep, Varnhold to Talon Peak, Oleg's Trading Post, and Linnorm Grave. We're partners. If for some reason you've flirted with Nyrissa too much, after Pitax, agree to give your crown to Nyrissa to guarantee a break up with Nyrissa. After the Rushlight Tournament, you must camp twice to get the final scene, During the Camp scene where Valerie gives you a shirt, choose "Why are you so embarassed", then "Now explain what's going on", then "Now I'm sorry I didn't get you anything". Without this, the power of the curse will be much, much weaker. Note that this is the point where the Tiefling Twins can diverge drastically. ", (Lawful Evil) [Attack] "You've no excuses! ", "I don't need any reward. It's over. Let's not complicate things. You can begin her romance either during dialogue when entering, "Will you tell me about your life in slavery? During the talk with Evald, I made Valerie apologize to him. ", "Regongar, what do you think you're doing?! ", (Neutral Evil) "You heard him, Dalton. r/Pathfinder_Kingmaker . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. During the next two rounds, the first time Kalikke uses an ability with a burn cost, this cost will be reduced by 1. Wasn't that the reason you were watching me so closely? I won't follow you. ", (Neutral) "Your goods are your business. ", "I've done all I could for you, and can give you no more. You are free. Favorite Meal ? Probably, the Everblooming Flower was not the result of a curse, but a tool for fulfilling its conditions. After you defeat Vordakai and begin his deathbed dialogue, then at a certain moment a Knowledge (Arcana) DC23 check will appear. These arguments can be obtained from conversations with various subjects of curses that we will encounter during the game - Tartuk, Vordakai, and Armag. In Pathfinder: Kingmaker you can romance several of your companions, namely Tristian for female players Valerie for male players Octavia for both genders Regongar for both genders Octavia and Regongar together Kalikke for both genders Kanerah for both genders Kalikke and Kanerah together Maegar Varn for General in Varnhold's Lot DLC Choose "I'd think you can find at least one" then "I definitely do not count modesty", then "I'd gladly accept the invitation. Take the portal to Sorrowflow, When you get to Sorrowflow, you should get the Neutral ending (AKA best ending) where both twins are in balance. King Irroveti of Pitax is searching for ways to influence Nyrissa and sends the sorcerer Tartuccio to the Stolen Lands with orders to find and deliver The Briar to him, at which he at last succeeds (thanks to the gullible kobolds and luck). ", "If you don't like anything about our situation, we can always go our separate ways. Despite this, this study has somewhat deepened our knowledge of arcane magic. ", "I'm sorry, but I don't think this is going to work out. ", [Take the whip for yourself] "Give it to me. then "Thank you Kalikke. I don't know how, but in ten minutes you'll be ready to go. How such a weak magical effect could lead to such an extraordinary result is absolutely impossible to understand. To find the Eye, she dispatches the Numerian Barbarians led by her little wolf Armag and her Faceless Sisters. The {barony/kingdom} has been lacking manpower recently. If you did this right, Reg should refuse to have a threesome, so it is just you and Octavia (. You upset Amiri for nothing!". To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to ensure Tristian destroys the Eye in Vordakai's Tomb immediately after stealing it. It's just an insolent bird! The variable 3600f309e5279fb45b83f45b186b927b in the file player.json is responsible for studying curses: it should increase by 1 after studying each curse and reach a minimum value of 13 before going to House at the Edge of Time. And you'd better not fleece my subjects behind my back is that clear? Well, we got to the final act, where we use everything prepared earlier. 12. ", (Lawful Evil) "Sounds interesting. Regongar can be romanced by both genders. I said "There's no place for anyone but you", then I broke up with Octavia. Finally a useful post in this godforsaken corner of the internet. Say "I think I scared you during the conversation in my chambers. I loath to touch it, let alone give it to you. You can romance him together with Octavia. ", "How would you know? When you pick "Are you and Octavia faithful to each other", choose "I couldn't do that", Talk to Octavia now. ", "We can't abandon our principles, no matter what is at stake. Choose "How are you." You should meet a merchant charging high prices. ", "Reg, these are our allies. They almost succeed, but at the last moment you beat them to the finish line. At the Stag Lords abandoned hut3. In addition, the longest non-curse projects cannot be done. When Kanerah talks to you, say "Tell me the truth, Kanerah", then choose "I just want you to know-I really like you", After Kanerah runs away, talk to Kalikke and say "I wanted to alk about a personal matter regarding your sister" then choose "Forgive me if my words offend you, but I like you and your sister", then "So what do you propose I do." ", [Requires Chaotic] "You know what? This may be an allusion to the nature of her own curse. The variable 816b7cc721f372041a3475144a6176d4 in the file player.json should be set to 60.The next meeting is a visit to Nyrissas dream during the chapter "War of the River Kings.". ", [Requires Evil] "You can still continue what you've started. Ideally, you should get all these scenes before dealing with Bartholomew. ", "Reg, I appreciate your help, but would you please stop robbing people while I'm trying to talk to them? Scythe Tree (45 days and 50 Build Points)The curse changed the very essence of its sacrifice, turning a benign dryad into something terrifying, locking a good, bright being in the body of a monster. So, what do you say, will you be my vassal? Tartuk will then start a conversation before dying. It's been a mystery as to why for years until this post. ", "Reg, I'm worried about you. ", "Yes. ", "Patience, Reg. then "That's a great idea!". ", [Requires Lawful] "It's easy to do good when someone else is paying for it! ", "He doesn't need a wife for that. ", [Diplomacy 28] "Maegar, I know you don't want to, but we'd best clear the whole village, just in case. Choose "Get some rest", then "Exactly! ", "I don't care about your excuses. Having finally finished a new playthrough where I romanced the Tiefling Twins, I think it's only fair that I put out a new guide on romancing them. Deal? ", (Chaotic Neutral) "Why not? Perhaps, in the right hands, the crown may show unexpected properties, but for us its usefulness is severely limited. Letting the Forefather live doesn't have any negative consequences so do whatever you want with him. Say LE things to Kanerah, CG things to Kalikke.exhaust their dialogues fully in their house. All one can wish now is to have a family to go with it", "Sleeping in a tent isn't that bad. I'm sorry, but we have to kill them. First, BREAK UP WITH ANY EXISTING ROMANCE YOU ALREADY HAVE BEFORE HOUSE AT THE EDGE OF TIME. To do this, you need to study at least 13 curses throughout the game. ", "What if I'm ready to sacrifice the kingdom for you? ", [Pass Check] (Chaotic Good) [Intimidate 22] "All right, Stag Boy, you're going to take that ridiculous thing off your head, leave this tent, and do everything you can to ensure I never hear from you or your gang again. Good job. ", If you don't get this scene after the merchant flirt, keep having sex with Kanerah by choosing "Alone Time" with her. I might just hold you to that! ", "Please stop. When talking to Reg, choose the "What is your relationship with Octavia option" and pick all the options. ", (Lawful Evil) "Deal. then "Did you understand" then "Are you upset", then "What can we do now. ", (Chaotic Good) [Open the cage] "There's no reason for you to stay in this cage, whether you are dead or alive. OTHERWISE, YOU'LL LOSE THE SWEET TEETH QUESTS, To complete the Sweet Teeth quests, you'll have to send them to different locations. Romance dialogue events are split into three categories: Tiefling twins and Nyrissa are exception to the rule. ", "'A little' disappointed? You can take the cup and gain your forgiveness from the Eldest. The next time we will meet with Nyrissa is during The Vanishing of Varnhold. I can't let you go now! Everything you've collected so far will be returned to the people. Our research suggests that willingness may be the key to this mystery. ", (Lawful Neutral) [Attack] "Filthy pests! Say "I don't want to hear this" That should permanently shut down the Reg romance and guarantee you'll be able to romance Octavia alone. ", "Even a brief moment may bring happiness. What good would it do to leave those who could work for me to rot in a cage? It can even destroy the mind, but isn't it the same thing that sometimes happens from strong love? Kalikke also develops feelings, but must first overcome her concerns about loss or rejection. You have our whole team, plus all the resources of my {barony/kingdom}. ", "Regongar, what were you thinking? ", "I like your enthusiasm, but let's cut out the inappropriate advances. I believe these choices guarantee a Valerie romance, though it's possible to be finished quicker considering I heard someone already started sleeping with Valerie during Season of Bloom. In this case, your advisers will not be available for other tasks or projects. ", [Finish Armag off] "I'll finish you myself. The First Crown (???) Before I begin, there are a few things you need to know about the Tiefling Twins: -They are DLC exclusive so you must buy the Tiefling DLC to actually get them, You CANNOT get the Nyrissa ending if you plan on finishing the Tiefling Twins romance. Choose "Do I need to be jealous", then "were you lovers", then "I would never do anything to hurt you", then "Kiss Valerie". With some bonus key flags like marriage ones pathfinder kingmaker kalikke romance magical effect could lead to such an extraordinary is! Diverge drastically threesome, so it is necessary to ensure Tristian destroys the Eye in 's! 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