swot analysis of trump vs biden

The study also catalogued the presence in each story of 13 possible types of sources. Among those who voted for Clinton and Trump in 2016, similar shares of each about nine-in-ten also turned out in 2020, and the vast majority remained loyal to the same party in the 2020 presidential contest. Among the 5% of Republicans who voted third-party in 2016 and voted in 2020, a majority (70%) supported Trump in 2020, but 18% backed Biden. Wizbang is a registered service mark. The same share of stories about each president were neither positive nor negative (45% for both Biden and Trump). Democrats fret about the prospects of Vice President Kamala Harris should Biden not stand, after her misfiring 2020 primary bid and her uneven performance in office over the last two years.. In The Times' latest average, President Biden's favorable rating is 44% and his unfavorable rating is 52% a positive net of about -8 percentage points. Among independents and those who affiliated with other parties, Biden led Trump by 52%-43%. About two-thirds of Biden stories (65%) were framed around ideology and agenda, while about one-third (35%) focused on leadership and character. The gender gap in the 2020 election was narrower than it had been in 2016 as Democrats made gains among men and Republicans made gains among women. Biden is the lesser of two evils 2. It looks at how new voters and voters who turned out in one or both previous elections voted in the 2020 presidential election and offers a detailed portrait of the demographic composition and vote choices of the 2020 electorate. Most voters think schools should open in the fall and have face-to-face teaching Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. Another 42 percent of Americans disapprove of what Biden has done so far as president, including 81 percent of Republicans and 43 percent of independents. Overall, third-party 2016 voters who turned out in 2020 voted 53%-36% for Biden over Trump, with 10% opting for a third-party candidate. Biden, by contrast, drew strong support from religiously unaffiliated voters atheists, agnostics, and those who say their religion is nothing in particular. Together, these voters made up 25% of voters, which is a slightly larger share of the total electorate than White evangelicals (19%). (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax But while the percentage of Biden stories with an overall negative assessment (32%) modestly outnumbered the share with positive assessments (23%), stories with negative assessments of Trump outnumbered those with positive assessments by four-to-one (44% to 11%). These topics and storylines were in turn grouped into three broad topic categories, in addition to an other category: Frame:When reporting a story about a specific topic, there are various frames that journalists can use to orient the narrative. Most swing voters fell they are personally better off than they were 4 years ago, even considering the pandemic. Voters were nearly evenly divided on party affiliation, with 50% identifying or leaning Democratic and 48% identifying or leaning Republican, similar to the 51%-48% split in 2016. One difference to note in the Trump-Biden comparison is that the 2017 study covered the first 100 days of the administration, while this years study covers only the first 60 days. People were then organized into five media diet groups based on the audience of the outlets they frequent. Read our research on: Congress | Economy | Gender. Let's look at the overall sentiment. Cumulatively across the S&P 500, Trump is at 28.44% compared to Biden at 7.71% a difference of 20.72%. In 2016, about half of Clintons voters described their communities as suburban (48%), while 32% said they were from an urban area and 19% were from a rural area. (+1) 202-419-4300 | Main Overall, 32% of stories about the Biden administration had a negative assessment, while 23% had a positive one and 45% were neither positive nor negative. The survey respondents in this study are grouped according to the audience makeup of outlets they turned to for political news in the past week. This report includes two main elements: A content analysis of news coverage of the first 60 days of the Biden administration by 25 major news outlets, which can be compared with early coverage of the Trump administration and previous administrations dating back to 1993; and a survey of 12,045 U.S. adults conducted March 8-14, 2021, as part of . Trump looks too eager to argue and fight, not work out solutions with Democrats These shares were reversed among absentee and mail-in voters: 65% of absentee voters said they voted for Biden, compared with 33% who voted for Trump. The presidents management and political approach. Adults younger than 50 made up 45% of all voters but 68% of nonvoters nearly identical to the pattern seen in 2016. DJ Drummond is the real name of an occasionally real person. While the topic of the economy was covered more by outlets with a left-leaning audience, a large majority of Americans, regardless of their media diet, report hearing a lot about the passage of the economic stimulus bill in the news. The survey also asked Americans which of these five issues is getting the most attention from their main news sources (rather than the news media overall). Again, the broader topic of health care was covered slightly more by outlets with a left-leaning and a more mixed audience, the content analysis found. Trump looked immature by refusing to wear a mask for so long Without such broad support for Trump among White evangelicals, Biden would have beaten him by more than 20 points. And with Biden now shifting to the center and immigration looming as a liability issue in the 2024 presidential election for Democrats most of whom get sucked into the xenophobic right-wing narrative without figuring out how to defend the benefits of the American melting pot progressives, advocates and millions of migrants should brace for a tough foreseeable future. Trump stands out, while Bidens never done anything to stand out The level of positive coverage was roughly on par with that of George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, but lower than for Barack Obama with all four higher than Trump. So how is it, with these comments, that Biden is leading in the polls, and Trump seems almost desperate? However, when comparing Clintons voters with Bidens, there are some significant shifts. Given the unusual circumstances of the Trump-Biden transition, with Trump still contesting the election results, it is perhaps unsurprising that Trump himself was mentioned in about half the stories about the new Biden administration. Biden has made a lot of verbal blunders of late, which makes him look mentally troubled The one area where there was less divergence by media outlet group, however, was in the framing of the Biden stories. Overall, there were shifts in presidential candidate support among some key groups between 2016 and 2020, notably suburban voters and independents. Recently, the Biden administration announced it would step up expedited removal, despite having previously rescinded Trump's own sweeping expansion of these fast-tracked deportations. This includes all mentions of him, but not of other individuals such as his family members and former administration members or of references to his administration broadly. Bidens immigration promises fall short as some of Trumps policies remain in place heres whats similar and whats different. To be sure, Hispanic voters are not a monolith; there is substantial diversity within the Hispanic electorate. Read more about the ATPs methodology. To do this, the survey of 12,045 U.S. adults conducted March 8-14, 2021, on Pew Research Centers American Trends Panel, asked respondents to indicate whether they got political news in the past week from each of 25 national news outlets (the same outlets as in the content study see Appendix A for details). The 2020 general election featured the highest rate of voter turnout in more than a century, with 66% of eligible adults casting a ballot for president. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you consent to this usage. What these comments have in common, is that Trumps style and manner cause him to hurt his image. By comparison, just 2% of voters chose a third-party candidate in 2020. In 2020, 31% of Trump voters had at least a four-year college degree similar to the share of Trump voters who had a college degree in 2016. Now on to Trumps strengths, according to the voters: Voters think Trump did a great job with the economy with record low unemployment before the pandemic, and now were making a comeback Voters in the youngest adult generations today Generation Z (those ages 18 to 23 in 2020) and the Millennial generation (ages 24 to 39 in 2020) favored Biden over Trump by a margin of 20 percentage points, though Trump gained 8 points among Millennials compared with his 2016 performance. 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Winners Weekend Caption Contest Week of April, Weekend Caption Contest Week of April 14,, Trump, History and the Survival of America, Winners Weekend Caption Contest Week of March, Weekend Caption Contest Week of March 24,. These patterns also are apparent when the lens is shifted to birth cohorts, or generations groups of voters who share birth years and perhaps formative political experiences in common, such as the popularity of the president at the time they were first eligible to vote. In response to President Trump, Biden say's "these kids came with parents.. separated them at the border to make it a disincentive to come to begin . Trump received the votes of 97% of conservative Republicans and leaners but a smaller majority (79%) of Republicans who describe themselves as moderate or liberal. The Left is too quick to call many people racist without valid reason For our analysis of the content published by news organizations in the early days of the Biden administration, we group news organizations by the political party and ideology of their audiences. among advocates who already fought similar bans under Trump. Do not just show up at the border, Biden warned potential migrants. Black Americans made up 11% of voters, but a slightly larger share (14%) of nonvoting citizens, and Hispanic adults were 10% of voters but 20% of nonvoting citizens. While a traditional SWOT analysis follows the S-W-O-T pattern, I will start by building the case against him, then follow with the good news, so my analysis will actually follow a W-T-S-O pattern, which is less elegant as an acronym, but which I think presents the situation in a proper light. There may also have been sources used outside the types listed above that were not captured in this study. These are among the key findings of a new study of media coverage in the early days of the Biden presidency. The downside of DeSantis's current strategy is evident in the polls. Voters broadly want a national discussion on race, but they dislike having politicians running that discussion or setting the rules for it Outlets with right-leaning audiences diverged from the other media groups in some types of sources they cited in stories about the Biden administration. News coverage of President Joe Bidens early days in office was modestly more negative than positive, and most of the stories were centered around his ideology and policy agenda rather than his character and leadership a contrast with coverage of former President Donald Trump at the start of his administration, according to a new Pew Research Center study that examines media coverage of the new administration. Biden and Trump benefited from similar levels of party loyalty in 2020, with Trump receiving 92% support among Republicans and Republican-leaning independents and Biden getting 94% among Democrats and Democratic leaners. Nonvoters citizens for whom no record of turnout could be located or who told us they did not vote preferred Joe Biden over Donald Trump by 15 percentage points, 50% to 35%, compared with Bidens 4-point overall advantage among voters. The claim: Joe Biden added more jobs in a single month than Donald Trump netted during his entire term. The most infamous through-line between Trump and Bidens approaches to people arriving at the US-Mexico border today has been both administrations controversial use of a health law to deny millions of migrants and would-be asylum seekers the opportunity to ask for protection, seemingly in violation of their rights domestically and internationally. Asian Americans (a relatively small but fast-growing group in the U.S.) made up 4% of voters and an identical share of nonvoting citizens (note: nonvoters in this analysis do not include noncitizens). News coverage of Bidens early days in office varied across outlet groups, with more focus on policy agenda than leadership, character, Part 1: Study of coverage by 25 news outlets during the first 60 days of Biden administration, Part 2: Survey of U.S. adults views of news coverage of the Biden administration, Terminology for elements of news coverage studied, 1. Donald Trump is already signaling that he will run for president in 2024. Biden received a solid majority of votes among urban residents (66% overall), but Trump gained among urbanites relative to his performance in 2016 (33% in 2020, 24% in 2016). Voters dont like Biden blaming Trump for the coronavirus, seeing it as playing politics falsely If this threshold was not met, stories were coded as neither positive nor negative. About Pew Research Center Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. The list is fairly long and growing: Voter surveys conducted for major news organizations, including the exit polls by Edison Research for the National Election Pool and AP VoteCast by NORC at the University of Chicago for the Associated Press and Fox News; the. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. Voters think Biden has the experience to do the job. "How does this offering support the company's mission and objectives?" Ask how the product or service will directly support and enhance the company's mission and strategic objectives. On April 13, 2021, after the survey, the CDC recommended. Editors: Warner Todd Huston, Rick, David Robertson, Doug Johnson, DJ Drummond, Michael Laprarie, Baron Von Ottomatic, Shawn Mallow, Dan Karipides, Michael Avitablile, Charlie Quidnunc, Steve Schippert, Comment Section Editors: Maggie Whitton, Rodney Graves, Emeritus: Jay Tea, Lorie Byrd, Kim Priestap, Paul, Mary Katherine Ham, Jim Addison, Alexander K. McClure, Cassy Fiano, Bill Jempty, John Stansbury, Rob Port. In 2016, White, non-college women supported Trump by a margin of 56% to 33%. Numbers, Facts and Trends Shaping Your World, highest-turnout midterm election in decades, emerged in the 2004 presidential election, Current Population Survey Voting and Registration Supplement, Demographic profiles of Trump and Biden voters, Voting methods in the 2020 presidential election, A voter data resource: Detailed demographic tables about verified voters in 2016, 2018, What the 2020 electorate looks like by party, race and ethnicity, age, education and religion, Interactive map: The changing racial and ethnic makeup of the U.S. electorate, In Changing U.S. Electorate, Race and Education Remain Stark Dividing Lines, In a Growing Share of U.S. Marriages, Husbands and Wives Earn About the Same, Gun deaths among U.S. children and teens rose 50% in two years, Key facts as India surpasses China as the worlds most populous country, Americans Are Critical of Chinas Global Role as Well as Its Relationship With Russia. Notably, Boomers and Silents (and the very small number of voters from the Greatest Generation) made up less than half of the electorate in 2020 (44%), compared with just over half in both 2016 and 2018. Among other types of sources, though, there were some shifts in the rate at which they made their way into stories. Those who voted in 2018 but not in 2016 backed Biden over Trump in the 2020 election by about two-to-one (62% to 36%). Meanwhile, even as officials publicly argue against reliance on the policy, they have expanded its use multiple times, abruptly, to target Venezuelans and now also Nicaraguans, Haitians and Cubans. The poll, released Wednesday, shows the . Urban and suburban voters were considerably more likely than rural voters to say they cast their ballot by mail (50% of urban and suburban vs. 35% of rural voters). At the same time, White voters with a college degree or higher supported Biden by roughly the same margin they had backed Clinton in 2016. Reflecting these differences, Trump performed much better among voters who cast their ballots in person on Election Day (65% for Trump vs. 33% for Biden). Under the. In 2020, Trump won 65% of White non-college voters nearly identical to his 2016 share even as Biden outperformed Clinton among this group (33% of White non-college voters backed Biden, up from the 28% of this group Clinton won in 2016). Vaccine distribution was the one storyline the groups with media diets on the left or tending left had heard considerably more about than the right-only or tend-right groups. Four of the same subjects were among the top five most covered topics in the first months of both the Trump administration in 2017 and the Biden administration in 2021: health care, presidential appointees, immigration and political skills. , Hispanic voters are not a monolith ; there is substantial diversity the. Entire term adults have a chance of selection both Biden and Trump seems almost desperate it with! 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